Saturday, May 30, 2009

BACK, now give me job?

I have lots of odd/lame observations about Hawaii that I will keep to myself for now. Instead I'll just say it was a very relaxing trip and I only managed to get ripped off once (on the rental car). I was also eaten alive by bugs on my last day -- 19 bites at my last count. Some of them are not that bad but about 6 of them are really itchy and keep getting BIGGER! AHH!!

I would never live on Oahu (there are just so many things that I don't agree with there: the weather, the bugs, the distance, the tourists from both America and Japan, the fact that the schools are all next to the freeway, the UGLY road system and their just as ugly proposed rail system, the shit pay that most of the islanders get, even the fact that it's a "crossroads" of cultures has lost its appeal, etc etc) but it did the trick in terms of being pretty (most of the time) and letting me relax. Studio only feels like a distant, unpleasant dream now.

I am also GRADUATED FORREALS since I passed my last class -- got an A-, actually! So I keep my "graduated with honors" status! Not that it matters to anyone besides grad schools... I need to find a job. Anyone know of anyone looking to hire a girl with a BA from Berkeley who is interested in city/regional planning, community building/organizing, digital design, or event planning? I'll design your business cards if you want....haha. I realized this morning that I have no clue how to go about looking for a job when my contacts don't pull through for me. When's that Alexis Bledel movie coming out? Cause I feel like I'm living it. Ahh!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Finally, A Vacation

I'm leaving for Hawaii today -- be there till Thursday night! woo! I still haven't packed yet though...oops. I gotta leave for the airport in an hour, unless someone wants to drive me!! Why am I behind on everything? 1. I slept in. 2. I decided I HAD to find Norwegian Recycling music and download lots of it =D

Anyways, I am ready for a vacation from all the stress in my life...


Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Pretty Much A Rock Star.

B+ in my last studio, bitches!!

I don't know anyone who's ever gotten an A (A- yes, but A? no.) in that class and I didn't even finish the end of my model so I knew I couldn't get an A-, but I did push hard for a B+ rather than a B...and I got it! YES!!!

Sadly, in order to keep my honors status, I have to get an A= in arch 130 and we all know THAT ain't happening......sigh.

More on that later.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals, Finished.

I finished my last EVER final at Cal this morning!!!! wooohooo!!! I of course had a beer to celebrate at Raleighs aka "Manny's Tap Room". Tonight I cooked dinner for some friends. Then I sat around all alone for the first time in days and it felt nice. Now I am wondering if I should be doing that as I won't be seeing people again after this week. Then it FINALLY started to sink in...I am done with college. Not just done with school or tests, but living with and near my best friends, done with my crazy studio times, done with Dwinelle Hall, done with seeing people all the time, done with bumping into random people....done (or at least geographically separating) with my whole entire network of college pals.

SHIT MAN. I'm not ready for this.

Of course, my initial reaction is to go to sleep and hope I wake up with enough energy to try and figure out how to make time move slower. Also, I am going bathing suit shopping tomorrow. UGGGHHHHH. My top half is fine (too big for triangle tops now =/) but...yeah all I can say is that all photos taken of me in hawaii WILL be from the chest up. That's all.

PS - my roommate, Erin, mysteriously left with our TV this afternoon. She technically owns it but this mean that I MISSED THE SEASON FINALE OF GOSSIP GIRL. This makes for SAD KATIES.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

City Car Share, Your Billing System is Flawed

Since day one, I've been less-than-fond of the billing system that City Car Share employes...namely, you don't know how much anything costs until you get a monthly bill for it. Perhaps I should not be cutting things close, but every so often I return a car within one minute of when my reservation ends -- and I never can tell if I'm gonna get slapped with a late return fee ($25) or not. Sometimes I try to call the reservation line (while driving, of course) to extend my reservation and I get told that there are technical errors, etc....and I really don't like having to wait till the bill comes to find out if my rental was an extra $25. If I know I got it in on time, I'm much more likely to make another reservation because I know I can afford it, so really it's in CCS's best interest to have more up-to-date information about how much I'm actually going to have to pay.

At any rate, there are apparently two buildings right next to each other that have car share cars and I've been picking up the car at the WRONG BUILDING. In retrospect this does seem kind of stupid, but I really had no idea. Otherwise, i wouldn't have done it THREE TIMES IN ONE MONTH. I also had no idea that there would be a THIRTY DOLLAR CHARGE each time I did this, until I got my bill today.

I am tempted to complain, but I really did (apparently) take the wrong car each time and usually you can't get your money back due to sheer stupidity. If my bill were displayable on a more of a real-time basis though, I would not have incurred an additional $60 in fees. Also...wouldn't you think that they would make it so you could only unlock the car that you're SUPPOSED to be using?!?!?!?!

Conclusion: I won't be using city car share for the next month or two to recoup my costs. Seeing as how I may be moving out of the bay area in July, I may not be using CCS ever again.