Monday, January 26, 2009

Misery Loves Company

Company also stops me from crying uncontrollably, which I spent too much of my evening doing.

Sighhhhh. I can't write much because I MUST FINISH ASAP...I want to go home...and I have no clue how long plotting will take me. Nonetheless...I will just say that studio is stressing me out more than necessary and I am not sure why. I do know it's not okay and once I get through this drawing I am going to seek a solution of some sort to ease all the anxiety and stress I've got. Tonight I found temporary aid in the form of amazing friends coming to help me stop freaking out. I feel bad for taking them away from their comfy apartments for a few hours, but their presence was a lifesaver so I am glad to have the friends that I do.

Ok this is too long. I can analyze why I'm reacting terribly irrationally to the events in my life during 130 lecture.

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