Saturday, January 5, 2008

Cabin Fever

Now that I'm on Sudafed and my mind is working clearly now, I am getting a bit of cabin fever.

First, my dad thinks I've messed up his computer when all I've done is install skype, a call center, and a webcam so that he can communicate w/me for FREE while I'm in Italy. It really annoys me because my parents want me to talk to them once a day if possible (I normally talk to my mom 2-3 times a day for a couple minutes and my dad once a week), but they won't let me enable them. AHH!

Also, I want to go to SoCal to meet some friends on Monday. My mom said I cannot drive down there by myself. Then, she decided to let my sister go to Disneyland with her friends tomorrow!!! What gives? I am not asking for much and I've already declined one invitation to go to NorCal over break so that I can do family stuff. I don't get what the big deal is. It's not like I asked her to buy me gas or anything...ugh. Originally I was going to bring my sister and we were going to shop for her Winter Formal dress, but clearly that won't work.

So then my mom decides to offer to come WITH me to LA. I don't forsee that going well AT ALL because a) my mom hates driving in the city and becomes an absolute nervous wreck when in the city (esp when there is traffic or rain) b) she can't come tag along with my friends so I don't know WHAT she thinks she's going to do c) it takes away all my flexibility and d) (most importantly) it means I have to sit in a car for six hours with my mother. I love her a lot but going on week three of being around her 24/7 is taking away my sanity! I don't want to leave for Italy all pissed off and loathing my mother because I'll be missing her soon enough, but my slightly irrational mind is starting to feel way sorry for itself.

If I don't go I get to listen to my mom yell at me to unpack, pack, do this do that...she doesn't ask that much of me but we just work on opposite schedules. This morning she wanted me to get up at 10 despite the fact that I could barely speak because I was so sick. And last night around 9:30 I finally got motivaed to clean out my bookshelf and tidy up my room, but I couldn't because my mom had gone to bed an hour earlier and I knew it would wake her. Somehow watching TV shows on iTunes still managed to wake her at midnight, and she was hella pissy abut it.

I'm kind of annoyed with my sister as well. I can't hold her trip against her (my mother is the one being lame) but we've been disagreeing a lot because she has gotten used to everything and everyone running on her schedule and since I run on my own time disagreements are bound to happen. Plus, she's using the desktop I had in high school but fails to run preventative maintenence like running spyware checks and now the computer starts up for about 30 seconds and then restarts before you can log in. About once a week it will actually work but she hasn't made any attempts to install antivirus software or fix the problem - it cuts into her myspacing time or something. So when her computer is AWOL she gets mad because I haven't dug up the power cord to my old HP laptop that is pretty much not worth turning on in the first place. She's just as capable as me of going into the garage and finding the cord...more capable actually, as this cold has made my back ache to the point where I don't want to lift anything.

Family...they get the best and the worst sides of me.

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