Friday, January 11, 2008


I went to the doctor today because I have been sick since 01/01 and I figured that if something IS wrong with me, talking to a doctor that speaks really good English might be a smart thing to do while I can. Also, I don't want to fly while sick - the altitudes KILL your ears and wearing a mask will get me all SHUNNNNNNed and whatnot.

As it turns out I have an RSV and if you are a baby or elderly, it will make you super sick. Since I am a "young person" it just means I will be sick for at least two weeks - I will be flying while sick, it appears. The doctor gave me a prescription for an expectorant that "may cause dizziness or insomnia" and an inhaler for the wheezing and whatnot. The expectorant is working wonders and actually made me fall asleep. I haven't gone anywhere since then cause I figure driving while on that stuff isn't good. Though neither is driving while having a coughing fit and almost running over a skunk, either. Anyways I don't know if the inhaler works yet because I HATE using inhalers and I already feel a lot better just by using the expectorant (I hope I am spelling that correctly).

In other news that nobody cares about, I continued to pack today. Here's an interchange I had with a friend about bringing Vitamin Water:

me: i think id rather take vitamin water than picture frames
me: my mom would kill me if i tried to do that though
A: do they not sell vitamin water there?
A: ick
me: they do not
me: i researched this througly via wikipedia
me: coke bought Glaceau
A: interessant
me: yes
me: and they pretty much only distribute in america
me: i dont think there is a market for it in europe
A: true dat
me: i dont think they pay like a buck fifty for delicious sugary water
A: haha
A: yeah they just drink straight from the rivers and are like rawrrr nature
Also, I got three pieces of non-junk mail today: a reimbursment from Comcast, a card from my aunt, and the iTunes gift card I bought off a friend. He put those little Lisa Frank stickers all over the envelope, it totally made me smile! I am going to try and send all my friends postcards from Italy cause getting mail is always fun (sadly snail mail is more of a novelty than a form of communication for my generation) but I am probably going to spend a LOT of Euros to do so =/
Lastly, my grandmother sent me and my mom flowers =D

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