Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dinner Date

I'll buy you dinner if you help me cut out my stuff tonight. No really. I've got a ton of cutting to do and it's really easy...just takes me a while.

On the topic of food:
1. Safeway's cheese risotto boxed stuff is DELICIOUS. I made 3 meals out of that and some asparagus and a tomato. omnomnom
2. I've pretty much given up on coffee. It just makes me extra anxious and I don't like being a part of the coffee commodities supply chain... Now tea on the other hand....or Coca Cola...that's another story.
3. My roomie made the best heart cookies last night!!

This is what I have in studio as far as food goes:
1 Fruit snacks (thanks brianz/ryan)
1 Bag organic semisweet choco chips
2 1L SmartWaters
2 cans of Campbell's chicken noodle "healthy request"
6 packets EASY MAC (ugh)
1 Bag toasted ritz: garlic & mozzerella
3 Oranges (I wish they were blood oranges tho)
various snack sized 100 calorie packs of chips and cookies
1 VitaminWater (energy)
1 VitaminWater (essential)
2 slices of bread
1 prepackaged celery/carrot/tomato combo
1 box green tea
1 nutrigrain bar
1/2 bag trail mix

It's an excessive amount of packaging but it's relatively nutritious and not susceptible to spoilage, so yay me!

Now that I've made a list that doesn't stress me out, I can begin working on my stuff again.

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