Friday, February 20, 2009


Here's something I'm not sure I should be saying publicly:

I think I might want to be an architect after all.

This studio is the HARDEST thing I've done in college but it is also one of the most rewarding things. Perhaps I am a masochist. But I am really starting to like designing again. Whether or not I can see myself doing this as a serious career, I'm not sure yet. I still I romanticizing the profession? Cause I definitely could be. And I can't help but wonder: if I do go into architecture, will I regret not givign planning a proper try? Part of me also says I shouldn't pursue architecture because I didn't take classes that will get me into grad school. But I hear the portfolio is the thing that really gets you in. (I don't have a good one...but...I could probably get some help with that, right?).


This is a bad time to have an identity crisis.

Must must must focus on studio work.

Because I need to do well in this regardless of what I do.

Giada and her huge mouth is making bollito misto. mmmm. Perhaps I'll just move back to Italy and marry an Italian man and become BFF with his mamma. Except she'll hate me cause I'm not Italian, so that will probably not work well...

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