Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals, Finished.

I finished my last EVER final at Cal this morning!!!! wooohooo!!! I of course had a beer to celebrate at Raleighs aka "Manny's Tap Room". Tonight I cooked dinner for some friends. Then I sat around all alone for the first time in days and it felt nice. Now I am wondering if I should be doing that as I won't be seeing people again after this week. Then it FINALLY started to sink in...I am done with college. Not just done with school or tests, but living with and near my best friends, done with my crazy studio times, done with Dwinelle Hall, done with seeing people all the time, done with bumping into random people....done (or at least geographically separating) with my whole entire network of college pals.

SHIT MAN. I'm not ready for this.

Of course, my initial reaction is to go to sleep and hope I wake up with enough energy to try and figure out how to make time move slower. Also, I am going bathing suit shopping tomorrow. UGGGHHHHH. My top half is fine (too big for triangle tops now =/) but...yeah all I can say is that all photos taken of me in hawaii WILL be from the chest up. That's all.

PS - my roommate, Erin, mysteriously left with our TV this afternoon. She technically owns it but this mean that I MISSED THE SEASON FINALE OF GOSSIP GIRL. This makes for SAD KATIES.

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