Sunday, December 9, 2007

Perfect Weekend

Today and yesterday, I did not have to wake up to an alarm. I didn't have to be in three places at once, or rush from one thing to the next. I did things in my own time and at my own pace.

It was utterly relaxing, and reminded me of freshman year when I lived in the dorms. Each weekend, the halls would be at their quietest during the mornings, and since nobody else was getting up, you could just take your time and be a little lazy for a while. Enjoy a cup of tea and those dreadful waffles, watch an episode of Arrested Development, or whatever.

I think that the change in pace of life is going to be one of the most beneficial things for me when I go to Italy. I don't want to leave my friends and family at all, but living in a society that isn't busybusybusy and work-obsessed will be nice.

Now, I must rush to get something made for a potluck by 5. sigh.

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