Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So...I have been having the WORST week ever. Saturday's Mixed Student Union conference was good - interesting, and not what I expected - Saturday night was....well annoying but memorable (just gotta remember I'm not always doing things for *me*)...Sunday was just a very long day. As in, 10am to 5am. I forgot that I hadn't actually ordered the programs for (r)evolutions and I screwed up a few times (and watched my computer die a few times) and yeah. Plus, this whole weekend I was dealing with an ear infection (which I think might still be there but I finished my round of antibiotics today). Monday I woke up to NO HOT WATER and REALLY LOUD repairmen RIGHT UNDER MY BED. The boiler room is under my bedroom. I was none too happy, but I got over it. Went to Richmond, picked up my package. So far, so good - crises managed.

Monday evening after all my meetings and practices (I am REALLY excited about our latest piece), I watched Gossip Girl. It totally SUCKED, the only thing it had going for it was good eye candy. Then my laptop charger and emitting high pitched noises. I have 20 minutes left on my computer. OH CRAP. I decided to write a letter to Kim and then go to bed.

Tuesday involved me not showering because we still had cold water, but having my plans to sleep through life thwarted again. I went to classes, disgruntled and falling asleep without my shiny beacon of amusement (aka my laptop). Nobody I know has a Dell computer anymore!!! I went to Emeryville with Alex, got lost, and proofed the program. It's not 100% perfect but I am crunched for time and nothing BAD is wrong...just personal preferences. I made it back to class in time for a mildly interesting lecture on water systems (sunlight apparently kills germs!) and then went home. Talked to Dell for an hour...will be getting a new charger soon. Hopefully. I still haven't gtten an email to confirm it yet. I went upstairs to borrow a friend's charger but it didn't work. I haven't eaten since 11am. I haven't showered since Saturday afternoon. I am stressed to the max. Then my friend tells me she has a charger for me...I just gotta get across town. So I made dinner, left, picked it up, walked to my old roommates' place, and took a nice long shower. Oh god I love hot showers. They are so amazing!!

They also make me sleepy. I fell asleep without finishing reading, let alone writing. Crap crap crap.

This morning I was awakened at 8am by the toilet installer and reawakened at 9 by the welding and banging going on downstairs. RAWRRRRRRRRR I kept yelling but they couldn't hear me. I went to classes. I was not inspired. I spent 3+ hours debating if i want to join zip car or city car share (conclusion: wait till I can ask my mom..even though...she knows nothing about it). My cmputer as shut down on me four times this evening...........

I was cleaning up my desktop (it was 3/4 full of icons and documents...kind of like my real desktop...) and I found something I wrote in Italy that I never posted because I never had reliable internet. It's interesting to look at...

Things that make my day

salt + olive oil
cappuccino + sugar
mini coopers with british flags painted on the roof
emails from friends
phone calls
my crappy taste in music
decent food
exposed piping that's actually designed instead of being thrown down as an afterthough
Exchange rates that are less than $1.5 to the Euro (sad, I know)

Things that I am learning, mostly about myself:

I am responsabile and independent
Friendship is not all about similarities...
I like to tell stories...or rather write them...and I'm not just talking about emails and dry recounts of my days.
My "eclectic" music tastes are really just a mishmash of less-than-classy artists.
I do not like mushrooms so much, unless they are the kind that come from california
A great pumpkin dish can be made in any culture
I am and always will be totally American, whether that is good or bad is up to you
Toilet seats and paper are a luxury
Half an hour on foot is a doable commute.

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