Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm hoping I'm not really sick because everything that google searching tells me about the weird tickle in my throat that I keep getting (the one that wakes me up because it turns into a coughing fit) says it could be related to my thyroid. Which my mom had to get removed when she was in her early 30s. Which made her weight change a lot. Which is something I do not need/want.

My roommate says it could be stress.

So I'm hoping I'm just making a bigger deal out of this than necessary, even though the doctor is always telling me to LISTEN TO MY BODY and pay attention to the cues it gives me. The opthamologist is always amazed I'm actually passing classes because I shouldn't be able to see that well; the doctor is usually amazed I haven't dropped dead of stress; the woman who checekd out my ear was surprised I wasn't having more pain in my ear.

At any rate now that I'm 21 I'm not supposed to see my "adolescent"/pediatrician doctor. What a pain in the ass. Finding a new doctor is super annoying.

On a somewhat related note, I would like a massage. Kthx bai.

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