Thursday, November 13, 2008

World Class Cities

I realized something amazing this weekend...I don't necessarily have to go back to Europe to feel adventurous and alive like I did across the pond. All I have to do is go to San Francisco (which, at $6.80 a pop, is exponentially cheaper). 

I guess I should back up....Saturday I went to a spanish tapas bar with a friend in the Mission district. As soon as I opened the menu, memories of my amazing tapas experience with the practically-a-stranger Canadian girl I made friends with came back. The finger-food sized portions, sangria, a bread charge....yup it was a lot like my Barcelona trip. I probably made a boring dinner-date for my friend since I was halfway lost in thought (OLIVES....spritz...damn I miss those) and halfway spouting off all these facts, observations, and memories of Europe to my friend. It was good for my soul though. I've been pretty bummed as of late since I'm in the hole and the economy sucks and I haven't any job prospects at the moment, so no funds to get back to Europe. 

Later that evening we went through North Beach and had dessert. It was a lot like being in Italy minus the fact that we ended up choosing one of the most touristy restaurants instead of one of the more authentic ones. The desserts were still good though and the barista dude was Italian, even if none of the servers we had were.

At any rate, the desire to make your city into a "world class city" has some bad side affects to be sure, but Saturday night I was very glad to be living so close to a world class city. San Fran has enougn diversity and enough character to give you a semi-authentic experience when you really need one (well, a semi-authentic european experience. IDK about a Japanese experience, but then again I've never been to Japan!)

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