Monday, November 3, 2008


I keep screaming "this is BULLSHIT" all day. Or rather  asking "WHAT?", proclaiming "LAME", and rolling my eyes. Today I am very grumpy.

The more I sit in transportation class the more I am convinced that it is a joke. Not only are the lectures boring and uninformitive, but the two instructors don't seem to communicate. It's quite often a case of "the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing". It makes me resent going to class because the instructors don't seem to care much about being decent teachers rather tahn transportation researchers. I also raised my hand for the first time like, ever, and got acknowledged and then talked over. That really made me angry because some folks get to talk about their (sometimes) stupid ideas at great length but I wasn't allowed to contribute anything. True, I used to skip class a lot and I come in late sometimes...but this week I decided to begin making a conscious effort in that class. Clearly, the majority of the class and the instructors are not though.

I also had to go to the post office to track down a birthday gift that I never recieved and after a long harrassment the postal clerk told me to call some number at SEVEN AM and talk to my local carrier. Ummmm yeah. Sure. I'll do that.

I also thought I'd take a stab at doing the reading for Arch History this week but I oepend the PDF of the reading and it is literally PHOTOGRAPHS of an article. And badly lit photos. Ones that I can kind of read at 300%. I hate PDF reading anyways because I have a difficult time seeing things on a computer, but that one just really took the cake. Bulleffingshit. My GSIs don't really make it easy for me to care about their classes sometimes.

I think I'm cranky because it is raining and my trusty boots leaked like crazy and I'm wet and the toyota repair and service center next door has a flat roof so it sheds all of its water into very concentrated parts of the sidewalk...creating a lake...and the auditory illusion of a waterfall in my ear.

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