Sunday, September 9, 2007

Anxiously Energized


....we've got you're back!
The first APAC meeting of this semester was fun and I'm excited for next week's summit. It was an odd feeling to once again realize that some of the great leaders in APAC and NSU are gone though...Mississippi, Japan, and one on a boat...sigh. Even just people from my year that have different commitments - I miss them. I'm going to the summit with someone else from NSU, but for the first time I'm going to be the "veteran" and I need to be knowledgeable about my org - people will be looking to me for once. Knowing this, I don't know if I'll be able to relax and just be sociable as I want to, especially since I have a large portion of my ethnography project due the day after I get back.

This week is going to be hellish, something tells me I'm not going to sleep much tonight, Wednesday night, and especially not on Thursday night...sadfaces (like my burnt cookies) indeed.

(I made cookies today and I accidentally burnt them and set off my smoke detector. Its LOUD.)

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