Thursday, September 13, 2007

Can We Chill

This week has been really stressful, probably because I stress out too easily over things. Trying to chill the frick out, but school + clubs + doing things like laundry have been A LOT lately and all the stress has been making me more tired, it's been giving me aches and pains, not to mention the occasional panic attack. I am going to try and work on TRUST and BONDING with the officers in the org that's giving me the most stress though, because I need to feel like I'm working w/people that have my back. I realized this because that's what NSU is to me. I was kind of bummed about a few things going on in NSU (or rather things not going on) but tonight I realized all over again why I do it all, and why I'm probably going to be out till 11:30 at least one night a week for them.


And the support and awesomeness that goes along with it.

December 2nd, 2007
UCB NSU's 5th Annual Nikkei Culture Show

save the date! cause you'll be hearing a lot about it from now on.

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