Friday, September 21, 2007

Un po' triste

I'm sort of bummed beceause I missed my opportunity to participate in my first ever rally/protest at Berkeley today. I did, however, wear green to show my support and solidarity for the Jena 6.

If you don't know who the Jena 6 are, google it or read about it here.

There was a rally and a march around campus and the surrounding area, but I had class from noon to 3:30 so I missed it. Ironically in Italian we discussed social issues such as the state of American public education, racism, and poverty. I really would have liked to have gone, to show my support for the 6 and for the black community as a whole! I've encountered what I considered to be blatant racism several times in my lifetime, but nothing as serious (and shocking) as this. It makes me sad to know that these things still happen in America and all over the world. Living in California, it's easier to forget about these kinds of things...


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