Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mad Props

To all of my predecessors in NSU. I don't know how they got all of us together and on top of our stuff, but I can honestly say that I completely trust and can count on every one of the seniors that are/were on core this year. It's a VERY daunting and sometimes frustrating task to try and get people on the same page, plugged into the community, and responsible. Some of it has to do with maturity, I'm sure, but the other common denomonator we have is our past training/leadership background.

Now that I'm facing a crew of bright YOUNG faces, I'm that much more appreciative of what's been laid before me. I'd say I don't think I am ready to lead these people, but with the help of my other OG-influenced amigos, I know things will somehow turn out all right. As with all groups, this year looks different than two years ago so it is a good thing that I am different than past presidents...but I still give mad props to them. And to my fellow 09-ers, who are the only reason I haven't gone completeley insane and self-destructed before the year has even begun!

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