Monday, September 22, 2008

wtf mate


I have hard time feeling sympathetic toward people who, knowing well in advance that they have lots of things to do the day before a midterm, have nonetheless not started studying. Actually, I have plenty of symapthy toward those people - I am often one of those people. But I don't have much sympathy when people back out of things that have been on their schedule for quite some time due to the aforementioned midterms. I understand that life is busy and things come up. But when things are habitually and consistently pushed off, I question that person's commitment...

Procastination is always something I do too often, but I really am trying my best to win that battle this semester. So far I'm doing alright.

I'm also really annoyed because I just called to confirm someone (that I had to move a whole bunch of things around to accomodate) and it turns out he is out of the office this whole week.

Plus, this whole Moorish architecture of southern spain thing is getting really tricky. I have no clue what I will be writing my term paper about. "This is gorgeous, and the respect that new regimes showed for old regimes is very unique, and I don't understand all of this but it is GORGEOUS" isn't a really good thesis.

Goal for the next two weeks: keep the NSU focus and energy high, but also create an environment that is focused on academics.

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