Saturday, April 11, 2009

Culture Shows vs Architecture Lectures

PCN was this afternoon -- and Toyo Ito was this evening.

I should have trusted my instincts and skipped the Ito lecture, even though my prof would have been disappointed. He'll be more disappointed that my work didn't get done.

Despite some of the shortcomings of the dramatic development in two of the theatrical pieces, PCN was a professional show that sought to bring up issues that aren't always talked about and showcase the many wonderful talents of its participants -- all while resisting the urge to say "this is what being Pilipino is all about". Because no one (or set of) stereotype does not define a community -- and who's to say PAA is the gatekeeper of PA culture?

Spoken Word!
Dance of various types!

Worth every minute of it.

I fell asleep in the architecture lecture.

I am entering crippling panic mode and don't know what to do -- we are ALL panicking. I forgot that easter is tomorrow so I need to bum modeling materials off of people.

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