Sunday, April 5, 2009

Random thoughts...

I keep saying I should start a blog called DON'T BUILD THIS and talk about all the random truths and isms we learn at 4am in studio. It'll be really great!

From the outside looking in, do I seem "artsy" on the basis of my major? My self-image doesn't quite line up with that, but then I look around my room and I think maybe I am, but in a superficial way. Case in point: I love taking photos but know nothing about technical photography stuff. It's always been on my "to do when I have time/money" list. More I like being associated with all the connotations of an arch major? It's a little late to wonder this, I guess.

I went to the CSA culture show tonight. It's not big and flashy like PCN/VSA but it gave me a lot to think about, and I'm glad that they went to all the effort to have the show. CSA has a tough job -- what does it mean to be "Chinese American"? I couldn't tell you the answer but I imagine that it's pretty difficult to figure out and then present in one show, because China has so many sub-cultures, ethnicities, dialects, etc. There are some generalizations in terms of immigration patterns, but even so...much more than Japanese Americans or Vietnamese Americans, I can't imagine how you'd be able to quintessential-ize the Chinese American experience. But rather than say that Chinese/Chinese Americans are TOO different or are TOO similar, the members of CSA decided to tell a story that was representative of what they saw fit to tell. Rather than fit into all of the stereotypes of the med/law school-focused students, these folks put in the hours and effort to do this showcase, which speaks volumes to the types of diversity and tensions that exist within Chinese American culture.

I laughed when the main character was super cheap with his girlfriend, because I've had friends that were the same way, and I never could really totally understand it.

I wish studio was freakin done -- this time because well, dammit, it's April and that means culture show season and I want to see them all and have dinner with everyone I know all the time and hang out and savor every last moment as a student. Instead I either need to get way more organized (ie drag myself out of bed, stop watching hulu, etc) or become a complete social recluse.

I thought rendering was gonna be cool but it's not. It takes fucking forever and I'm scared it's going to crash my computer....

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