Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hello, my name is Katie, and I am a caffiene addict.

I fell asleep last night around 10pm, got up at 9am, and still had a headache. By 3pm it hat turned into a MASSIVE headache, despite 3 Advil and a litre of water. I have a midterm to study for and a paper to write and I'm not really sure how I am going to get it all done now that I wasted all of Sunday sleeping early and whatnot.

A couple of hours later, after screaming "Ahh MY HEAD HURTS" at my study buddy every couple of minutes, I had a bit of Vitamin Water (the yellow kind with caffiene in it). Miraculously, within fifteen minutes the headache was all but gone!

I got around to thinking and realized that I probably hadn't had any caffiene since Friday or Saturday. I guess my body was going into withdrawls. I feel pretty sad about being so addicted but at least I am not overdoing it and going crazy like previous semesters. I intend to spend the first week of christmas break caffiene-free (which will be quite the bitch). Unfortunatly I have studio in the spring so I doubt I'll be off of it for long. I'm told that anything you do for a month straight becomes a habit so maybe I just need to not drink caffiene AND get like no sleep for a month and then I'll be okay?


I hate being a dependent.

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