Monday, October 13, 2008

Tricks and Treating

Second Gen's theme is halloween-ish, and it's tonight. I sort of got tricked into helping out with a bunch of stuff for it...which only annoys me because I was invited over to do my reading rather than this stuff. In my infinite nice-ness (or rather my neurotic need to make sure people are decently-fed) I'm contributing dinner to the cause which I was duped into helping in the first place. Ironic, no?

I don't know why I'm complaining. I am supposed to help out with things. I normally don't mind. But last-minute-ness is like the #2 pet peeve of mine, and I have a lot on my plate right now (academically and with my family) and my birthday is this week. Which means it's a holiday all week, yeah? (haha Gautam thinks so). Okay I'm not that delusional, but historically my birthday has ALWAYS fallen on one of THE most stressful weeks of the term..this year is no exception. Papers and midterms anyone??

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