Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Putting the past four weeks back into perspective (sleepless nights that feel like weeks, papers, neglecting friendships, exams, bad food, and the aforementioned addiction will be put aside for now):

To graduate from CED with honors you need a 3.574 GPA.

Guess who has a 3.54?

I've basically got to get ALL A- grades this semester (and Jere's class p/np), B+ in studio, A in econ, A in arch 130/140. I don't really think it is going to happen, because I have been skating on such thin ice this month. I could fudge around with things and take some stuff p/np, but at the expense of my minor. I decided that a minor was more important than a "honors" distinction.

But really a 3.5 from Cal isn't a bad GPA. [Random: The guy running for state assembly in my district got a 2.5 ag AHC before transferring to Poly. That's not scary at all. He has a long history with the AFL-CIO and other organizing stuff though so I may or may not have voted for him anyways.]

And that Arch midterm that I thought I got a C on because I studied and studied and studied and none of it was on the midterm? Well...I guess sophomores are kind of stupid (no offense, friends), because they graded it REALLY easy. Can anyone say 99?

So, is it worth the rat race, lack of sleep, etc etc? Kind of. Work does pay off. But I am basically guaranteed no honors so I don't see the point in working to death, either. My mom said that getting a C in physics kind of screwed me over, but really it could have been a higher grade in ANY class. I don't think it did. I learned some very important lessons that semester, which isn't going to show up on my transcript, but made me more able to handle the challenges of life.

So yeah. Back to studying, paper-writing, grant proposal-ing, and web-ing...

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