Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Greys Anatomy Moment

"Kiss me, love me, CHOOSE ME."


I'd never say that in real life....that would require me to like...give up any pride that I have. And since I know the answer there's no point in that. If I thought there was any real chance then I just might. Maybe I have been forced to listen to too much Abba this break - "take a chance on me"?


Anyways...I made the honors list. Go me! BA Architecture w/honors! I just gotta make it through studio. New years resolution: attempt to approach studio with a positive attitude. Maybe it won't suck my soul away. Maybe I won't have to stay up for a million bajillion hours on end. Maybe I will have enough confidence to aim higher than just-above-the-bottom-of-the-heap or "average" even. It can't go horribly terribly wrong, right?

So yeah, yay me. I'm graduating this year! $100k education - now what am I going to do with it??? Suggestions I've gotten so far: Fulbright (too late), internship (do they give those out to college grads anymore?), architect job. Now I know why lawyers' kids want to be lawyers. It's easy to go into something with built in connections. Half my family doesn't even live in a city (have you ever heard of Lakeport or Newcastle?) so I'm SOL on the sweet hookups. 

This whole "life" thing seems a lot harder than school. Going off to college was easy - tons of people had done it and not suffered any major disaster. The same can not be said for entering the "professional" world.

Friday, December 19, 2008

You're My Remedy

Finals swallowed me up and have yet to spit me out....
at any rate, this is all I have to say for tonight.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

If a dream really is a whish that your heart heart has lots of wishes. I've been dreaming a LOT in the midmorning hours between 9 and 11am, which has been making it sort of impossible to get up...because my dreams are pretty happy ones.

Sigh....I think I'm ronery.

Friday, December 12, 2008

dollar bills

I'd like more of them please, kthx.

I am totally broke...
I know exactly why, too.

A semester in Italy + an inability to budget my money decently this semester + an inability to say no to people.

What gets me the most frustrated is how I have to hit up people for money they owe me now, knowing full well that I've probably borrowed money from them at some point too. I don't like asking people for money...especially my parents. I know they have a million things to worry about as it is. 


I am having terrible luck at finding a job as well...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I started writing a review of my culture show experience for my AAS 122 class and I began it by saying the following:

I have been involved in four NSU culture shows, each one with varying levels of involvement. This year, however, I was both more involved and less invested in the show. More involved because, as president of NSU, one of my main functions during the fall is to support our largest event of the year but helping out the culture show chairs. Less invested because this show began last spring when I was living in Europe. I had very little say in the overall direction of the show, and this being my last show, I haven’t got the opportunity to write a skit or chair the show next year.

And then I got to thinking....less invested? Are you kidding me?! My sundays, my Monday evenings, my Thursday nights, my 3 day weekends went into culture show. I gave up on relationships for this show. My grades are suffering. When we had smaller-than-usual attendance, I took it personally. While it was great to see all of my close friends and my parents at the show, I was unhappy that we didn't sell the auditorium out. 

So I'm no less invested, but something else was missing...hmm. I don't have time to dwell on that. But hey look at at this!! I kind of want one for Christmas. It'd be fun to put together...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Leadership Dev

I was having a conversation with a friend about targeting and training future leadership in student orgs and I made an off-handed comment about how guilt tripping and obligation are "fundamental JA values" that my predecessors taught me, when I realized...that seems high oxymoronic, considering intergenerational transferrance of leadership within the Japanese American community has a reputation of being difficult at best.

In the context of student orgs that are constantly in don't have that option. Train and sustain, or die. Those are the options. It's also the line that is used in the JA community as well, but doesn't always seem to play out in practice. As someone who's now on the older end of the college org spectrum, I'm realizing how difficult it is to do what is best. Reaching out to people you don't necessarily know that well - and then entrusting them with something you've invested close to four years in - is not easy or comfortable. Getting people to understand why something is worth caring about, when many of the experiences and issues that engaged you have changed or mutated, takes a lot of effort. You have to be willing to invest time and resources into more than one possibility...and you have to be willing to let others take over your vision. In's a huge leap of faith. Can I do it? Yes....but not without some effort.

Chalk this one up to one more thing that I'm glad I got to learn while still in college.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Lately I've been increasingly interested in having my own car. part of me knows there is no good reason to have one in Berkeley and they are bad for our environment and our lifestyle and land uses (oh, and I can't afford one...yay insurance) but part of me still wants one.

I've got things to do right now but expect a more reasoned look at the car issue later.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm hoping I'm not really sick because everything that google searching tells me about the weird tickle in my throat that I keep getting (the one that wakes me up because it turns into a coughing fit) says it could be related to my thyroid. Which my mom had to get removed when she was in her early 30s. Which made her weight change a lot. Which is something I do not need/want.

My roommate says it could be stress.

So I'm hoping I'm just making a bigger deal out of this than necessary, even though the doctor is always telling me to LISTEN TO MY BODY and pay attention to the cues it gives me. The opthamologist is always amazed I'm actually passing classes because I shouldn't be able to see that well; the doctor is usually amazed I haven't dropped dead of stress; the woman who checekd out my ear was surprised I wasn't having more pain in my ear.

At any rate now that I'm 21 I'm not supposed to see my "adolescent"/pediatrician doctor. What a pain in the ass. Finding a new doctor is super annoying.

On a somewhat related note, I would like a massage. Kthx bai.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm so so so incredibly.....empty. I don't care about doing my work for school, and for no reason. I don't have any crises per se (snicker - watch this week's south park if you wanna know why). I don't care about doing my work work, even though I think it should be done. I don't care about the fact that I can see myself I just don't want it any more, I guess. 

A lot of my drive evaporated throughout the semester, but I just keep trudging along - even when I'm not trying - because I know there is nobody there to pick up the pieces for me, or to force me to do things, or to even acknowledge that hey, things aren't going as great as they could be. Sometimes i feel alienated, even when I'm in my own apartment. 

Some of the things floating around in the back of my head that don't really have anything to do with what is going on in terms of school is surrounding the big "what happens when I graduate?" plan. Because my current plan is that I don't have a plan. Kind of like the Easterly book. Except I tend to be a planner, not a searcher. Also, I fail at many basic life tasks: keeping my room clean, laundry (I'll do 2 weeks at once), feeding myself properly, exercising, etc etc etc. Getting the mail out. I always think next semester will be different and it NEVER I've realized that it's because I choose to take on a lot of extra things. And while some times those extra things are what feeds my soul, I come to resent them every so often for what they deprive me of. So what if other people can keep it all together. Clearly, I am not those people.

I'm also in one of those fat-and-ugly ruts that leads me to the why-should-I-care-what-I-look-like-anyways attitudes. I haven't worn makeup in weeks. I haven't run in god knows how long. I've almost given up on mirrors...

I don't really know what it is in my life that is so horrible that it's crippling me but I do know that deep down, no matter how much I do not want to admit it, I am very, very lonely. I've got friends and they tell me things will be all right and they will be fine but at the end of the day they've got their own and I don't. The negative energy I run into really gets me down too.

So right now life is tragic for me, because there IS no tragedy. There's no "ah, that's why things suck" thing to point to. But there's no real "concrete" plan to throw all my hope into, either. And nobody's going to come shake me by the shoulders, make my bed, and get me back on the right track.

Friday, November 21, 2008

status: not at the SOCC at UCLA.

It seems that..well....a LOT of people are attending the Students of Color Conference at UCLA. I am not...I have things to do...NSU is having their first ever community performance in Japantown this sunday!!!

I am, however, a tiny bit jealous.

Every time I go to UCLA it's for a conference or something where I'm surrounded (and energized) by passionate leaders. Couple that with the sunshine and car-centric culture and you've got a guaranteed exhilarating weekend. Bah, someday I'll go to grad school there and have all the smog and sunshine I want.

Until then, I'm not letting all the cool kids know I'm jealous. NSU is making history this weekend!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eye Twitching

My left eye's been twitching off and on since Monday.

The Univ. of Maryland Medical Center suggests that it may be caused by "fatigue, stress, and caffeine." Le duh......I hope this goes away soon.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So...I have been having the WORST week ever. Saturday's Mixed Student Union conference was good - interesting, and not what I expected - Saturday night was....well annoying but memorable (just gotta remember I'm not always doing things for *me*)...Sunday was just a very long day. As in, 10am to 5am. I forgot that I hadn't actually ordered the programs for (r)evolutions and I screwed up a few times (and watched my computer die a few times) and yeah. Plus, this whole weekend I was dealing with an ear infection (which I think might still be there but I finished my round of antibiotics today). Monday I woke up to NO HOT WATER and REALLY LOUD repairmen RIGHT UNDER MY BED. The boiler room is under my bedroom. I was none too happy, but I got over it. Went to Richmond, picked up my package. So far, so good - crises managed.

Monday evening after all my meetings and practices (I am REALLY excited about our latest piece), I watched Gossip Girl. It totally SUCKED, the only thing it had going for it was good eye candy. Then my laptop charger and emitting high pitched noises. I have 20 minutes left on my computer. OH CRAP. I decided to write a letter to Kim and then go to bed.

Tuesday involved me not showering because we still had cold water, but having my plans to sleep through life thwarted again. I went to classes, disgruntled and falling asleep without my shiny beacon of amusement (aka my laptop). Nobody I know has a Dell computer anymore!!! I went to Emeryville with Alex, got lost, and proofed the program. It's not 100% perfect but I am crunched for time and nothing BAD is wrong...just personal preferences. I made it back to class in time for a mildly interesting lecture on water systems (sunlight apparently kills germs!) and then went home. Talked to Dell for an hour...will be getting a new charger soon. Hopefully. I still haven't gtten an email to confirm it yet. I went upstairs to borrow a friend's charger but it didn't work. I haven't eaten since 11am. I haven't showered since Saturday afternoon. I am stressed to the max. Then my friend tells me she has a charger for me...I just gotta get across town. So I made dinner, left, picked it up, walked to my old roommates' place, and took a nice long shower. Oh god I love hot showers. They are so amazing!!

They also make me sleepy. I fell asleep without finishing reading, let alone writing. Crap crap crap.

This morning I was awakened at 8am by the toilet installer and reawakened at 9 by the welding and banging going on downstairs. RAWRRRRRRRRR I kept yelling but they couldn't hear me. I went to classes. I was not inspired. I spent 3+ hours debating if i want to join zip car or city car share (conclusion: wait till I can ask my mom..even though...she knows nothing about it). My cmputer as shut down on me four times this evening...........

I was cleaning up my desktop (it was 3/4 full of icons and documents...kind of like my real desktop...) and I found something I wrote in Italy that I never posted because I never had reliable internet. It's interesting to look at...

Things that make my day

salt + olive oil
cappuccino + sugar
mini coopers with british flags painted on the roof
emails from friends
phone calls
my crappy taste in music
decent food
exposed piping that's actually designed instead of being thrown down as an afterthough
Exchange rates that are less than $1.5 to the Euro (sad, I know)

Things that I am learning, mostly about myself:

I am responsabile and independent
Friendship is not all about similarities...
I like to tell stories...or rather write them...and I'm not just talking about emails and dry recounts of my days.
My "eclectic" music tastes are really just a mishmash of less-than-classy artists.
I do not like mushrooms so much, unless they are the kind that come from california
A great pumpkin dish can be made in any culture
I am and always will be totally American, whether that is good or bad is up to you
Toilet seats and paper are a luxury
Half an hour on foot is a doable commute.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

hot and cold

I won't won't won't play the game. Holding out hope and chasing after carrots that are dangled in front of me - only for them to be politely yanked away - is not acceptable. What do you expect?? I fell all over myself once and you said oh no, not now, good bye. I don't make the same mistakes twice so if you have something to say, say it loud. 

Pensavo che il positivismo senza una vera speranza fosse sufficiente. Ma speranza falsa non e` speranza, solamente una bugia. Non posso sostenermi con un gioco di possibilismo. La possibilita` di te mi sta ammazzando! Voglio i tuoi braccii attorno di me ma non posso sperare per sempre. Dunque devi fare la prima cosa. Alzati, dichiarati, o vai via. So che un po' della culpa e` mia, e sembro strana...pero hai un pezzo di me e richiedo controllo di tutte le parte di me. Cosi` non abbia paura....devo andare avanti.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Carelessly Optimistic

I'll be the first to admit that lately...things have not been so great. There haven't been any major disasters or tragedies (well...Prop 8 passed...) lately but I've been too worn down and tired to care. I had a monstrous headache monday - I was literally crying at dance practice. (I had to tell myself over and over that I am a big girl and that storming away from practice was not a good example to be setting - even if the drummers WERE annoying as hell). The sun hasn't been out as much. Nothing is on time, I have so many things to research, NSU is either on the verge of imploding or great success (ah, risk- taking), I haven't seen friends in a while, etc etc etc.

I've been feeling like something is missing and I don't know what it is...and I haven't got that fire lit under me anymore. And today wasn't all that great either, looking back on it:

I got up in the AM and stepped on my glasses. Strike 1....I had to skip my first class to get them fixed. Then I went to a restaurant and got lunch and I had some issues with my tongue - at first I thought I ate something I was allergic to. I decided to ignore it and went to class where I learned about the Umayyad Empire except not really. I stuck my headphones in and my ears hurt A LOT and at that point I realized....all this ear nose throat stuff is an EAR INFECTION. So I walked my butt down to Tang and got myself checked out - they can't explain my headaches or my mouth really but my ear is definitely infected - and then I got my flu shot. $25 please! Drugs at Walgreens cost me another $20 and 40 minutes of my time, making me late for my next lecture. Which made me mad because the lecture was REALLY GOOD. He said more about energy policy than my Energy and Society professor has said ALL SEMESTER!!

JA history was pretty interesting today. We talked about redress and reparations. I did the math and my family never recieved reparations because my grandfather died of stomach cancer/suicide a couple of years before redress happened =( We also watched a thing on the JLAs - soo sad and what was sadder was half teh class had never heard about Japanese Latin Americans that were kidnapped during WWII and used as human hostages against the Japanese during the war. After the war most were deported not to South AMerican but JAPAN and didn't get the same redress/reparations as the rest of the JAs. They were treated so much worse than Japanese Americans were, too. 

The other film we watched, "9066 to 9/11" drew all the parallels that I was already really conscious of. Seeing 9/11 footage, even though it wasn't the actual planes, hit me harder than I thought it would have though. It's so much more real not because it is in color but because I lived through it. It changed how my generation sees Arabic people, Muslims and Muslim-Americans, imperialism, the middle east, dictators, oil....yeah it cahnged a lot of things. It reminded me of what happened to myself on 9/11...when a classmate of mine asked me why I had bombed Pearl Harbor. I think that was one of those moments in my life that will always stick out. My friends actually laughed and didn't think much of it when I got angry about it. I don't think I ever felt more alone up until that point. I was the "other", America's "enemy" in that instant...and I was thirteen at the time. I thought I was American and nothing more. I knew about internment but at that point didn't know my family had been interned at Tule Lake. I didn't know a lot of things and I didn't have a clear sense of my identity, but that day whatever sense of identity that I had was shattered instantly. I didn't realize all of this in that instant though...all I could think was "how IGNORANT!" and get really, really angry. Angry at the kid who thought he was a smart ass for asking that question, angry at his parents who had raised his white self to hate on others, angry at my friends who didn't think there was anything wrong with the comment, angry at American History class, because it didn't teach Americans shit about any of the things it should. Now that I have a clear sense of my identity and I know a LOT more about the intricacies of JA and AA history in the US, I shouldn't care so much about that moment...but for some reason I still do.

Back to 2008.
Life's been going along in a haphazard manner, and all these stupid little things like getting infections keeps coming up and I just can't get ahead in anything. And I haven't been super positive. But tonight I am choosing...choosing to be optimistic...even though I don't have any really good reasons to. Because I don't have any really good reasons to be negative, not really, and negativity doesn't get you anything positive. I need positive. So. I'm going to be optimistic, even if it means setting myself up for disappointment.

I'm putting that happy record on, cleaning up all of my clutter, and hoping that someday soon I won't be going to bed early just to avoid my life.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

World Class Cities

I realized something amazing this weekend...I don't necessarily have to go back to Europe to feel adventurous and alive like I did across the pond. All I have to do is go to San Francisco (which, at $6.80 a pop, is exponentially cheaper). 

I guess I should back up....Saturday I went to a spanish tapas bar with a friend in the Mission district. As soon as I opened the menu, memories of my amazing tapas experience with the practically-a-stranger Canadian girl I made friends with came back. The finger-food sized portions, sangria, a bread charge....yup it was a lot like my Barcelona trip. I probably made a boring dinner-date for my friend since I was halfway lost in thought (OLIVES....spritz...damn I miss those) and halfway spouting off all these facts, observations, and memories of Europe to my friend. It was good for my soul though. I've been pretty bummed as of late since I'm in the hole and the economy sucks and I haven't any job prospects at the moment, so no funds to get back to Europe. 

Later that evening we went through North Beach and had dessert. It was a lot like being in Italy minus the fact that we ended up choosing one of the most touristy restaurants instead of one of the more authentic ones. The desserts were still good though and the barista dude was Italian, even if none of the servers we had were.

At any rate, the desire to make your city into a "world class city" has some bad side affects to be sure, but Saturday night I was very glad to be living so close to a world class city. San Fran has enougn diversity and enough character to give you a semi-authentic experience when you really need one (well, a semi-authentic european experience. IDK about a Japanese experience, but then again I've never been to Japan!)

Monday, November 3, 2008


I keep screaming "this is BULLSHIT" all day. Or rather  asking "WHAT?", proclaiming "LAME", and rolling my eyes. Today I am very grumpy.

The more I sit in transportation class the more I am convinced that it is a joke. Not only are the lectures boring and uninformitive, but the two instructors don't seem to communicate. It's quite often a case of "the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing". It makes me resent going to class because the instructors don't seem to care much about being decent teachers rather tahn transportation researchers. I also raised my hand for the first time like, ever, and got acknowledged and then talked over. That really made me angry because some folks get to talk about their (sometimes) stupid ideas at great length but I wasn't allowed to contribute anything. True, I used to skip class a lot and I come in late sometimes...but this week I decided to begin making a conscious effort in that class. Clearly, the majority of the class and the instructors are not though.

I also had to go to the post office to track down a birthday gift that I never recieved and after a long harrassment the postal clerk told me to call some number at SEVEN AM and talk to my local carrier. Ummmm yeah. Sure. I'll do that.

I also thought I'd take a stab at doing the reading for Arch History this week but I oepend the PDF of the reading and it is literally PHOTOGRAPHS of an article. And badly lit photos. Ones that I can kind of read at 300%. I hate PDF reading anyways because I have a difficult time seeing things on a computer, but that one just really took the cake. Bulleffingshit. My GSIs don't really make it easy for me to care about their classes sometimes.

I think I'm cranky because it is raining and my trusty boots leaked like crazy and I'm wet and the toyota repair and service center next door has a flat roof so it sheds all of its water into very concentrated parts of the sidewalk...creating a lake...and the auditory illusion of a waterfall in my ear.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I meant to write about the first rain of the season in Berkeley but I went home the same day so I didn't have time. If the first rain makes the world seem clearer to me, then midnight walks in the rain are my catharsis and cleansing.

The thing I love about rainy days are the intervals in between and after the rain. The whole world is quieter and cleaner. I feel like a hush has been cast over the world. Walking through Strawberry Creek, this was especially true. I felt like I did when I was seven, hanging out under the pine trees in a timeless wonder-world. It's probably one of the only times that I still think of the town where I was born. Everything's safe. The smell of wet earth and wet pavement and wet vegetation come together to make what I associate with the essence of natural life. [I find that if the temperature is right I can recreate this with a garden hose, but in Berkeley I don't have a yard so it doesn't ever happen...]

Tonight I left a friend's place only to find that it was raining - and not just drizzling. So I took a walk in it. Listening to the rain actually hit everything, seeing the water fall from the sky, and feeling it hit me, I continued to walk and walk...feeling both purified and lightened all at once. Maybe this is why baptism is so popular? Eventually I did get soaked and freezing so I retreated to my car and drove home. Driving in the rain during the day only feels cool because I know I could be sopping wet outside and am instead cruising down the street with the heater on, but other than that driving in the rain is somewhat terrifying. Perhaps this is because the roads in Nipomo are not very well-paved let alone well-maintained. I caught a giant puddle on Mesa that I don't remember being there, but they have fixed the spot that constantly floods on Osage so that was nice. At any rate I was glad to make it home alive because sometimes I think driving + rain is about as bad as driving + drunk.

Now I'm listening to a massive downpour from the comfort of my own room, sitting underneath my down comforter. It is perhaps the only place that, when it is raining like crazy, I feel safe, warm and dry. Not only is it well-insulated (and the heating is free), but I have a big window where I can look out on everything and doors that lock...for some reason I feel like the isolation that rain brings means we're more susceptible to the wolves and other critters out there. Yes, I know that they are all hiding in their holes too, but I still feel that way! I'm far enough from the power lines that I don't think they are going to fall on me (not that it matters because the power shuts off all the time out here), and it's the top of the hill so it won't flood. None of these things sound particularly compelling on their own, but I still feel like it's the safest place in the world when it's raining.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Impossible Dreams

I had a dream this morning that left me wanting what was in it so badly that I could barely breathe when I woke up.

I had to take a shower just to loosen up my lungs and feel like a normal person again. It's very troubling that this can still happen to has been a very long time since this type of thing has happened. Things continue to lurk in the shadows and burst through into my subconsciousness, and I don't know what to make of it. I want to scream "Leave me alone!" but the more I want to the more I wonder why I can't just let go of it. What's making me want this?

A part of me still thinks that the things I dream of might happen. That one day people will miraculously be kind, understanding, and willing to truly act like they care. To my (maybe) desperate core, I NEED to believe these things because it's getting to be unbearably lonely otherwise.

I hate waking up and knowing that my reality is so irreconcilable to what I've dreamt, so utterly disappointing and bitter that it's all I can do not cry. Because I know that my psyche is both telling me that I can't have it and at the same time making it feel so possible...

In my particularly stressed, sickly, and sleep-deprived state all of this has made me especially disturbed by the whole thing. I still think that most parts of life a pretty great. Just...not this part.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So much stuff is going on to the people I love that I can't control. 

The blanket that I've got wrapped around me isn't enough to keep that cold sinking feeling out any more...

Must. Study. Make every minute count.

Office Hours

I met with one of my DCRP gsi's today to discuss a paper I'm going to write and found out something interesting about myself. (Anyone who knows the nerd in me knows I adore most of the CP gsi's I've ever had. They're doing what I want to do in 5-10 years, only right now, and they act both as constant sources of encouragement and intimidation for me.)

My paper-writing style: pick a general topic, start to explore all five thousand points, get overwhelmed (and don't really say anything), prioritize, narrow down, eventually a good paper comes out. The narrowing down is the most difficult part for me.

My post-grad life possibilities & career goals: pretty much the same. Where will I go when I graduate? Stay here? Go home? LA? San Diego? Seattle? NYC? Boston? First, I want to travel. Japan? NYC? Greece? China? Where do I want to go to school? Etc etc.

So yeah. My GSI hit me right on the mark. I have the ability and potential to do anything, but do I want to do everything? My biggest battle will be deciding what I want to do most. My track record shows that I tend to do a lot of what I liked to call "ambitious flailing": I didn't know what I wanted to do in College so i applied everywhere and when I got in almost everywhere I waited until practically the last day to decide where to go. I joined a bajillion campus groups in my first 2.5 years and ended up committing myself seriously to a couple. I happened upon Italian by accident and ended up living in Italy as a result. 

But....I've turned out all right and I regret very little. I guess I'm in for a lot more gut-wrenching in the next couple of years. Maybe one day decisions will be easier to make. Maybe not. I think it'll be okay though...whether or not people will judge the hell out of me for it is a different story.


Putting the past four weeks back into perspective (sleepless nights that feel like weeks, papers, neglecting friendships, exams, bad food, and the aforementioned addiction will be put aside for now):

To graduate from CED with honors you need a 3.574 GPA.

Guess who has a 3.54?

I've basically got to get ALL A- grades this semester (and Jere's class p/np), B+ in studio, A in econ, A in arch 130/140. I don't really think it is going to happen, because I have been skating on such thin ice this month. I could fudge around with things and take some stuff p/np, but at the expense of my minor. I decided that a minor was more important than a "honors" distinction.

But really a 3.5 from Cal isn't a bad GPA. [Random: The guy running for state assembly in my district got a 2.5 ag AHC before transferring to Poly. That's not scary at all. He has a long history with the AFL-CIO and other organizing stuff though so I may or may not have voted for him anyways.]

And that Arch midterm that I thought I got a C on because I studied and studied and studied and none of it was on the midterm? Well...I guess sophomores are kind of stupid (no offense, friends), because they graded it REALLY easy. Can anyone say 99?

So, is it worth the rat race, lack of sleep, etc etc? Kind of. Work does pay off. But I am basically guaranteed no honors so I don't see the point in working to death, either. My mom said that getting a C in physics kind of screwed me over, but really it could have been a higher grade in ANY class. I don't think it did. I learned some very important lessons that semester, which isn't going to show up on my transcript, but made me more able to handle the challenges of life.

So yeah. Back to studying, paper-writing, grant proposal-ing, and web-ing...


Hello, my name is Katie, and I am a caffiene addict.

I fell asleep last night around 10pm, got up at 9am, and still had a headache. By 3pm it hat turned into a MASSIVE headache, despite 3 Advil and a litre of water. I have a midterm to study for and a paper to write and I'm not really sure how I am going to get it all done now that I wasted all of Sunday sleeping early and whatnot.

A couple of hours later, after screaming "Ahh MY HEAD HURTS" at my study buddy every couple of minutes, I had a bit of Vitamin Water (the yellow kind with caffiene in it). Miraculously, within fifteen minutes the headache was all but gone!

I got around to thinking and realized that I probably hadn't had any caffiene since Friday or Saturday. I guess my body was going into withdrawls. I feel pretty sad about being so addicted but at least I am not overdoing it and going crazy like previous semesters. I intend to spend the first week of christmas break caffiene-free (which will be quite the bitch). Unfortunatly I have studio in the spring so I doubt I'll be off of it for long. I'm told that anything you do for a month straight becomes a habit so maybe I just need to not drink caffiene AND get like no sleep for a month and then I'll be okay?


I hate being a dependent.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I've been doing a lot of thinking about "hapa" issues lately - about a month now - and this is the collection of some of my thoughts over the past month. It's not meant to be cohesive, authoritative, or final. Due to work, cs, and school mixed-race identity keeps coming up in different parts of my life. My mother is Caucasian (her ancestors were Scottish and came to the US on the Mayflower as indentured servants) and my father is Japanese (born in Japan...but my great-grandfather was actually the first one to move to the US). In geopolitics, I tend to consider myself fully American and, more specificially a Californian.

But then I look at "American" TV and movies and textbooks and I don't see my family in it. I see half of it - in a generalized, distant form - but I don't see the other half. [1848 Commodore Perry. 1907 Gentleman's Agreement. Immigration Quotas. Anti-Alien Land Laws. Pearl Harbor. Internnment Camps. Farewell to Manzanar. Someone by the name of Korematsu. Apologies.] And stops. So I spent a lot of time getting to know Japanese American history, the experience, and the community that exists today...because that is the main ethnic community that I grew up in and I wanted to know more about it, needed to know more about it, if I was going to continue identifying myself as a Japanese American. 

So I'm in solidarity with the rest of the JAs who wonder where our stories are in the story that we get told of "this is America, this is what it is to be American", wonder when it will reflect what ACTUAL Americans have expereinced, wonder when things won't automatically be presented from an Angl0-Saxon canon. I see my father's family's struggles written all over the pages of books that I accumulate on JA issues: farmers, picture brides, camps, "no-no", "yes-yes", shikataganai, shhhh don't talk about that, college is the key, cancer, gambling, improved socio-economic standing, children who don't learn Japanese, basketball, mochi.

But then there's my mom's family. They lived the American dream, yea? Great-grandpa came over to California during the depression, worked in the oil fields, had his one-room house. Two kids, boys. The war came and money comes pretty good. Great-grandpa's got a steady job and they add onto the house so the kids have a room to sleep in too. Grandpa marries grandma, in Vegas, he's 20 and she's 18, not an uncommon age at the time. 4 daughters and 9 grandchildren later, they're watching their retirements go up and down with the market but they've got their house at least. What kind of issues could this family possibly have? 

Alcoholism, drugs, racism, all of the hot button issues - we sweep that under the rug more than any of my Japanese American family does. Take your prozac and put on your happy face at family gatherings, don't discuss the plurality of ethnicities and cultures and religions that have found their way into this family - be tolerant, but not accepting. I don't doubt that my family loves me. But it's hard to know if they truly accept all the parts of me when I've grown up hearing anti-Jewish, Mexican, Black, Middle-Eastern, gay, and Muslim comments. White priveledge means my family can face many of the same struggles, but one side is branded as more "normal" and higher up on the socioeconomic scale.

Truth be told though....I don't know the ins and outs of that part of my family very well. Bad things have happened and good things have happened and we got through it. Hey, that sounds familiar. shikataganai. Sometimes my maternal grandparents say things that my father would never allow, but how are they supposed to know any better? I know they love me. They don't mean it. You don't understand JA culture that well but you respect it. Hey, it's cool. I won't talk about my involvement on the Nihonmachi Street Fair committee. It's just a work thing, I'm working with the kids. What petition? I'm president of a club on campus that does some cultural stuff, but it's not a big deal. I bet they'd be surprised if, whenever they get a computer, my grandparents googled my name. Yeah, that asian print looks cool, I guess. When I go visit my grandparents, it's like a parallel reality. It always has been since I was 6 and mom explained that grandma and grandpa don't like fast food or theme parks. Yes, you have to eat your grandma's cooking. Maybe not the Miracle Whip though. 

It's the same thing when I'm at home too. In public school, I was "Asian". That's why you're so smart. I skipped class for no reason, ate breakfast in Spanish even though the teacher repeatedly asked me not to, and was never ever seen as needing help in science because I could get by on my "Asian priveledge": a shiny 4.2 GPA. I owned that town because I could still get As, and damn the consequences that I would reap in college. Hey look it's "your" people. Nintendo is so cool! Do you look up to Michelle Wie? 

Some people, on the other hand, rarely acknowledged my JA side. I was constantly downplaying my "asian-league basketball thing", the "family stuff" we do for New Years, and grumbling about Buddhist Church because I didn't really want to explain why my family does all of those things. I wasn't Mexican, and that was good enough for some people to just accept me as "like them". I was constantly, if subconsciously, navigating between these two continuums, and it worked for me. I don't talk about J-league with my high school teammates, and I don't tell my J-league teammates that some people question my involvement and legitimacy in the community. That some of those people are WITHIN the community.

So on the very few occasions that anyone has shown interest in knowing my personal family history, know "what am I" beyond the ethnic makeup of my family, I find myself unable to give a concise or even cohesive answer. I am a complicated, detailed mosaic of experiences and beliefs and to me, each and every one of those pieces has a distinct meaning for me. But I am usually met with confusion, or at least comments like "that is complicated" - before I've even gotten halfway done. I'm not sure whether it was to make things easier for everyone else, or whether it was to make things easier for myself, but I can essentialize my story based on what situation I'm in. I'm JA or I'm white or I'm American or I'm smart or I'm the farmer's daughter or I'm your ex-girlfriend. Put all that together and - well, I see myself most clearly. But for everyone else, it's just a jumbled mess.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Clark Gable

I listened to The Postal Service for the first time in a while tonight...and found myself bouncing along to one song in particular: Clark Gable. Like Death Cab they know how to make depressing things sound upbeat, until you really take the time to listen to them. 

I was waiting for a cross-town train in the London underground
When it struck me that I've been waiting since birth to find
A love that would look and sound like a movie so I changed
My plans and rented a camera and a van and then I called you
"I need you to pretend that we are in love again" and you agreed to

I want so badly to believe that "there is truth, that love is real"
And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd
I greased the lens and framed the shot using a friend as my stand-in
The script it called for rain but it was clear that day so we faked it
The marker snapped and I yelled "quiet on the set"
And then called "action!"
And I kissed you in a style that clark gable would have admired
(I thought it classic)

I want so badly to believe that "there is truth, that love is real"
And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd
I know you're wise beyond your years, but do you ever get the fear
That your perfect verse is just a lie you tell yourself to help you get by

Anyways, it got me thinking. I haven't got a personal life, nor do I really have time for one. Most of the time I don't notice or mind, but sometimes I stop to think about it and I wonder if I just make myself busy and tell myself I don't have time because I'm incapable of having one. I don't think I'm unworthy of being loved but nonetheless  I really think its extraordinarly difficult for me to find it. When my mom was my age, she had already met my father. 

I put my name on the degree list for Spring 2009 today. I'm really excited about it...excited to be done with many aspects to this chapter of my life. Excited to be done with bootsy professors and 4-papers-a-week madness. Excited to escape the fresh-out-of-high-school dramas. Excited to be done with homework. But I'm also a little scared of leaving school....of leaving the opportunities I may have missed, leaving the intellectual bubble that I've got going on, leaving my best friends, leaving in general. Will I look back on college and regret not having experienced more? Or will I look back on it and regret having thrown myself into so many things? 

I generally think it will be the former. But all of this has got me uncertain again...some people don't see it come out that often but I really am filled with an incredible amount of uncertainty, self-doubt and confidence issues. I've gotten pretty good at fooling myself into not acknowledging them so that I can get through life, but the more I go through this world the more I can't ignore the disconnect between what I've been trained to see and do and believe and what the cold realities of life show me. 

So what the heck will life throw at me? I don't know...but until then I'll keep trudging through, trying to find that magic balance between school, social, community, family, leadership, learning, personal and public. And if all else fails, I'll drink more tea.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Official

NSU and Culture Show has taken over my life.

Gone is the illusion that school is a priority. I really don't care about my transportation paper or the anthro midterm. But I owe it to myself to at least try rather than resign myself to epic failure, despite the incessant headaches that I've had for the past couple of weeks. I don't think it's worth it to go to the doctor and get it checked out...they always say the same thing.


Apologies to everyone I've neglected.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Thursday was my 21st birthday!!

I also had a global poverty midterm, class till 8, and an NCS meeting till 9. But all of that went fairly well and after that I had dinner with my friends..drinks at a bar..and more drinking at my apartment. I love love love my aparmies and my friends =))

Friday was good too...homemade chicken katsu, NSU's annual Fenton's Social (dude where are the power eaters at?), and then I got to hit up San Francisco with some OG friends. It feels like forever since I've been the "little one". Hell it feels like forever since I've just not been around young'ns. It's oddly comforting and liberating at the same time and made me miss the "good ol' days" a little bit...but not too much. Last night proved I can have good days any ol' day, even if they are few and far in between.

Now I'm paying dearly for two days of oblivion....4 papers to write, all-cast is tomorrow, programs, dealing with people who are mad at me, dealing with lazy people, etc kind of makes me wish I was done with school already. Kind of. I'm focused on creating more great memories with all of my friends and providing the same kind of environment for the young folks that I was lucky enough to have as a kid. Taking a day off has filled me with a delicate mix of nostalgia and hope.

At any rate, it definitely beats Vegas.

Thanks again to all of my amazing friends for the hugs and drinks and laughs!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Wish

Walking out of 170 today...I have not been this physically tired in ages. I've been walking around in a feverish, achy daze for the past week. No amount of vitamins, soup, raisins, tea or sleep will shake it. I'd say I'm feeling a little less alive than usual, except the sore shoulders, aching back, and squeaky knees make me fully aware of just how much I can feel. So my soul can't possibly be dying just yet. Yes, my's a physical manifestation of the absolute craziness that October (always) is: mid-terms, deadlines, missing my family, social obligations, keeping tabs on everything, papers, and my (least) favorite, social planning.

So while I don't care much about physical gifts and that pretty pair of boots I saw anymore, I know that my birthday won't be exactly how I want it (the midterm gets in the way, for starters). Even a nice leisurely brunch, a walk on my beach, and time with the people that (like it or not) I care about seem a little out of reach. A day outside normal reality and inside my imagined reality is just not possible. And for that reason, and the fact that I always try and fail to be less ego-centric, I would not be devastated if my birthday just came and went this year.

But, I have concluded, a hug and a massage would be more appreciated than yet another drink this Thursday...assuming that teleportation is still out of the realm of possibilites. Because a surprise trip would be the coolest thing EVAR. You can blame this fantasy on my aunt and uncle, the latter having whisked the former away on a trip to Europe to propose to her some years ago.

Sometimes I'm just hopeless like that.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tricks and Treating

Second Gen's theme is halloween-ish, and it's tonight. I sort of got tricked into helping out with a bunch of stuff for it...which only annoys me because I was invited over to do my reading rather than this stuff. In my infinite nice-ness (or rather my neurotic need to make sure people are decently-fed) I'm contributing dinner to the cause which I was duped into helping in the first place. Ironic, no?

I don't know why I'm complaining. I am supposed to help out with things. I normally don't mind. But last-minute-ness is like the #2 pet peeve of mine, and I have a lot on my plate right now (academically and with my family) and my birthday is this week. Which means it's a holiday all week, yeah? (haha Gautam thinks so). Okay I'm not that delusional, but historically my birthday has ALWAYS fallen on one of THE most stressful weeks of the term..this year is no exception. Papers and midterms anyone??

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Deliberate change is so hard to make...
and yet the small, unintentional changes that come about due to sticking to the status quo or negligence are so easy to make....

I'm feeling like epic fail right now.
I'm feeling like this year isn't what anyone expected.
I'm feeling like that is somehow all my fault.
But I know that I can't control the way people feel about things, or what they choose to make their priorities.

My goal was to help folks grow into the people they could be. But I can't do everything for them and I guess I'm not really the leader I thought I was, after all. I wish I could shake this feeling that everyone's watching and waiting to see if I epic fail or epic win at this stuff this year.

A dying breed, indeed.

Midterm Season

Its 2am and I just heard the street sweeper go by. Sweet. I hate this part of midterm season!

I'm working on a paper for my Japanese American History class and I went to look up when Tofu Festival started (1996), which led me to the Nisei Week site, where I then looked at the pageant requirements (still restrictive), and then SF Cherry Blossom (not really updated)...then I looked up what year Vincent Chin was murdered, which was referenced in a song by a Filipino-AMerican rap group, which led me to look for "Japanese American Musicians" on wikipedia, when led me to the Mike Shinoda site....which reminded me that I didn't get to go to the opening of the first part of his art exhibit at the JANM this summer.

Anyways, buy me his book?

I've only got about 70% more of this paper to write before I can sleep!

Monday, October 6, 2008


I was going to write about how hip hop was tonight (YAYS!) but all I ever seem to write about is NSU anymore so I'll write about this other thought that's been buzzing through my head. I was browsing facebook and i happened upon this girl's profile who is also an arch major here (I was looking for someone w/the same first name as this person) and I could tell right away because it all screamed architecture. 
Interests: Design and All-Nighters. Residence: Wurster 6th floor, etc etc. 

Look at mine and what do you see? JA this and that. Interested in...mixed-use development. Community. Strada. Fluent in Italian. Favorite book: maps. One of my quotes is about the different epochs of architecture that are contained in a Roman street corner. 2 years of working for a firm. 

So at first I was going to say...."I do not live and breathe architecture and design." I do not aspire to be a studio resident, nor do I enjoy all-nighters any more. I don't go around talking about art. I'm even trying to kick my coffee habit. But then I realized....that this statement is not true. I do not live and breathe architecture and design, except for the fact that it is an intrinsic part of every moment of my life. I see, hear, and feel the effect of the built environment on the way in which lives are lived, in every moment. From the crappy lighting in my living room to the gorgeous way that the sunset reflects onto the building across the street to make it look truly magical, I take notice of art, architecture, and design.

But some part of me still feels inadequate when I see this girl's page. Why? I'm no less able to earn a degree in architecture than anyone else in the program. To the outsider, I spend all my time caught up in all that "activist" stuff - registering people to vote, empowering the JA community, serving the community, supporting others in their struggles, keeping up on the political culture of this nation. But that doesn't mean I'm not engaged in my major either. I'm just not into the PROFESSION. A lot of people seem to think that the two - academics and profession - go hand in hand. I guess...I guess what I should already know, but just realized tonight, is that I am not defined by my major.  I'm more than that, more than my activities, more than the books on my shelf, more than my italian-isms. But how do you convey all of that to someone you've just met? Or someone you've never met? How do I say "These are my passions and they may seem disparate to you, but to me they are a cohesive fabric that I live and breathe"? 

Gosh. Why do I feel the need to justify myself? Why am I so aware of others' perceptions of me..and more importantly..why do I care?? I think I know part of the answer...I'm tryikng to be the person that a couple of specific people think is interesting. Not just interesting, but focused and amazing. Trying to present myself so that they will see that I've got my head on straight just like them. Trying so hard.......for something I'll never get.

This Is Why You Buy Italian

I just sat on my glasses while on the phone with someone who was asking me a bunch of questions about a grant I applied for....luckily, they didn't break. My Armani frames always pull through for me!! Like all things Italian, they are high quality, although they are also pretty finicky and I have to adjust the nose pieces every other day.

Hopefully the results of the grant application come out just as favorably!!

Update on the past week:
  • It's now october. WHAT??
  • I went to work and met w/someone from SF JACL on Friday...also went to Bingo in Union City that evening....and it rained that night. It was a long day.
  • Speaking of rain, it was the first rain of the fall. Kind of humid but actually quite pleasant for me.
  • My collection of cute bento boxes is growing but I spent less this time than I did last time =)
  • I found out that one of my cousins has some major medical stuff going on...I am worried about him.
  • I'm not ready for my arch history midterm...
  • Football concessions = bootsy, but Cal games are always an experience!!
  • I'm almost out of food and due to the aforementioned midterm I haven't had time to go grocery shopping. Actually, I have a lot of bread and yogurt but that doesn't make for a very balanced diet.
  • When I wasn't out doing NSU-related things this weekend, I took the time to clean my room and take care of myself. I like having a clean room...too bad I'm going to destroy it this week.
  • Oh! I found out that I won a scholarship from the architecture department based on my "class standing and outstanding academic merit". Who knew I had ANY academic merit??
  • EAP grades still aren't in the US and it pushed my Telebears back a day =(

Monday, September 29, 2008

Even Heroes Know When To Be Scared

Note to self...don't listen to defeatist music when you have the biggest presentation of your life (thus far) in a couple of hours. This isn't anything compared to say...moving to a different continent and not knowing a soul on that whole damned piece of land. But it's still the biggest presentation of my life. I'm asking for $1200. I've never asked ANYONE for that much money at once. And I'm not just asking for it for me, but for the 50+ people involved in and 600+ people attending Culture Show 2008. This money is crucial to our being able to put on CS while staying financially sustainable. 

In my arch history readings, there's a lot about golden ages and the rise and fall of certain social groups and civilizations. And every once in a while I get scared, like what if NSU already had its little golden age and I'm just a holdover from that time, old, about to become a fossil. What if NSU can no longer run due to finances and a lack of commitment? I think it scares me so much because it echoes, on so many levels, the predicament of the Japanese American community at large. It will only exist as long as people care enough to support it (financially and otherwise). I've never believed that the community is going to die off or disband within the next 10 years. Never. But in the life cycle of a student organization....10 years is a longgg time. I'd like to see NSU make it to its 10th anniversary, which is in 4 years. I want to see Culture Show in big Zellerbach and with a reputation like UCLA's...not because I think we need to compete with other groups for the sake of being bigger and better...but because the Japanese American community on this campus deserves to have a voice that is just as expressive and powerful as any other Student Org, be it here or on another campus. And when you think of it like's pretty big.

Let's not get too carried away here though. It's a five minute presentation...and one of many that Senate FiComm will be hearing tonight. Five minutes. It takes me twice as long to walk to senate as it does to present.

Why am I having a very difficult time breathing then?

The verdict? $900. But it didn't come easily.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

List Serves Make Me Cry

I think the title pretty much sums it up.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


this year's theme for the monologues of (r)evolutions is MANIFESTO.

So frakin sweet!

I haven't come up with a well-worded manifesto on identity and community but i've got a couple of mantras for this semester. In general....

things aren't easy but every obstacle or bump that i come up is something that I'm choosing to see as a CHALLENGE....and I'm not backing down from one any time soon.

In other news, I may eventually get my paper proposal for architectural history done tonight (well..its due i better!). I wish I had the time to just sit down and read about all this history - south/central spain from 700-1400 = pretty damned interesting. too bad i need to be writing about, like, a building.

Monday, September 22, 2008

wtf mate


I have hard time feeling sympathetic toward people who, knowing well in advance that they have lots of things to do the day before a midterm, have nonetheless not started studying. Actually, I have plenty of symapthy toward those people - I am often one of those people. But I don't have much sympathy when people back out of things that have been on their schedule for quite some time due to the aforementioned midterms. I understand that life is busy and things come up. But when things are habitually and consistently pushed off, I question that person's commitment...

Procastination is always something I do too often, but I really am trying my best to win that battle this semester. So far I'm doing alright.

I'm also really annoyed because I just called to confirm someone (that I had to move a whole bunch of things around to accomodate) and it turns out he is out of the office this whole week.

Plus, this whole Moorish architecture of southern spain thing is getting really tricky. I have no clue what I will be writing my term paper about. "This is gorgeous, and the respect that new regimes showed for old regimes is very unique, and I don't understand all of this but it is GORGEOUS" isn't a really good thesis.

Goal for the next two weeks: keep the NSU focus and energy high, but also create an environment that is focused on academics.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lovin' It

I really am loving this NSU thing! I know I recently bitched about basically feeling un-appreciated but I really do like this.

It's amazing to watch these folks that don't really know what is going on....helping them out and watching them figure things out...watching them grow into their roles...watching them make a difference, fulfilling their potential, and growing into independent, intelligent leaders....yeah it's pretty damn cool.

We've barely begun to cover what I know we can, but I am excited and inspired by the progress that we've already made. It's what keeps me going when I just want to forget about it all and go back to my textbooks...what keeps me positive and upbeat...and what keeps me a little relentless and sometimes critical of folks. I just hope that people realize I'm critical about things because I care about them the most.

As you can tell I haven't done a good job articulating what I'm feeling but obviously its a good thing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008 aperol?

This world is filled with far too many self-centered folks. A big part of me is jealous that people have that luxury though. I think I gave up on myself a while ago, decided that for whatever reason I was not that important and that I didn't have enough worth. To make up for it, I slowly started devoting my time to other people and to causes. I developed my own voice, I became a leader, and my confidence seemed to grow.

Then I went to Europe and learned how to take care of myself. Now, I am filling leadership positions once again and due to some setbacks I am not as confident as I once was. I am confident in my ability to lead people and I am sure of my ability to generally get by in life, but my self-worth is still not there. I'm happy to serve others...but I still long to be able to fulfil my selfish desires (it is a very twisted reality to treat school and studying like selfish tasks, but I do) and I have no confidence that anyone sees any worth in me. In my leadership abilities, yes. In my ability to take care of myself, yes. But the world has gone and proven time and time again that just plain ME is not wanted. Not worthwhile.

So all of those folks who put themselves, their midterms, and their getting-ahead-in-the-rat-race before everything else....they piss me off, because I am jealous and for once in my life I'd like for someone to center their self on me for a minute or two.

conclusion: me = attention whore!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Birthday Wishes

Besides world peace, politicians that I can at least agree with, a decently paying part-time job, and a new wardrobe, I've got two frivolous things I want for my birthday right now:

1) The entire Death Cab for Cutie discography
2) A good flat-iron.

I'm going through a major death cab phase right now (i've only just gotten back into the habit of trying to keep up on new American music since I've returned from Europe) due to having heard "I Will Posses Your Heart" a million times on the radio. THen I found out that Death Cab was responsible for the song at the end of last season's Gossip Girl finale, "The Ice Is Getting Thinner", when Dan and Serena are dancing their last dance "ever". I've liked death cab for a while but i just realized that I lost Transatlanticism when my HP crashed, and I never did acquire Plans. So, I want the discography, kthx.

I've decided to keep the long hair, but in order to do that I need to be able to do things with my hair. I don't like it when I just let it dry, but I don't like it curled either. The answer: flat iron it! My sister has an amazing flat iron that she got from her hair dresser, but I haven't ahd the time/money to get one yet.

There are a lot of other more useful or socially responsible things I want, and a lot more expensive things (down payment for a hybrid car?), but I think these two lie in the budget range that people might actually have =))


Running seems like such a good idea to me.

Today I tried to wear jeans for the first time in a couple of weeks (I'd been wearing skirts cause of the heat) and they didn't really fit at all. Which confuses me, because I've been doing MORE walking than during the summer..but not as much as Italy I guess. I bought a membership to the I just have to MAKE TIME to GO TO THE GYM. I say this too often but seeing as my main relationship is currently with NSU, there is some hope that I might actually force myself to go every once in a while.

In other parts of my life...the idea of escaping and running away is somewhat attractive. I don't really know why I feel so trapped, but at the moment, I do. Lack of control is probably the main factor. Which is odd, because I kind of gave up trying to control things when I was in Europe. In reality, I have more control over my life than I did last year at Cal. I make a lot more decisions. I control a lot more things (to a certain extent). I can choose to attend or not attend a lot of things. And, I have been generally choosing not to attend things. (and actually my antisocial tendancies do not make me feel liberated at all.) But as I've taken on a minor public service role this year, I feel constantly committed to that particular role. Like I'm on-call all the time. And I never know when I'm going to get that call. So I feel like maybe if I just go running I can feel a little bit in control of things. Like life will be on my terms for once.

Don't worry, I'm not going to shed my responsibilities and ACTUALLY go MIA. But I may take up some sort of athleticism. (I seriously miss the courts though. Too bad intramurals are hecksta competitive though.....)

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Today I cleaned up my room: there are no more boxes sitting out in it!

I also made my bed, read a little bit, ate cereal (lactose-free milk is a very new discovery for me), did 3 loads of laundry, and went to the grocery store. Yay me! I can do basic life tasks!!

And for all of Friday I was not angry or bitter or even really sad about life. I wasn't busy busy busy and I wasn't getting my soul crushed by poverty at home and abroad and I was really just having a dandy time listening to the radio and shopping for my sister's birthday present. Alas it is now Saturday and I no longer feel at peace with everything in the world.

This semester is not shaping up to what I wanted it to be.

I love my roommates and my friends and my classes and what I'm learning about and my community and NSU. Or that is what I keep telling myself. I mean...I'm pretty sure I do. But there is so much more to LIFE and to ME and I'm not left with any time for that. And that's really not what I imagined my senior year to be. There are 20,000+ undergraduates on campus. A lot of them are smart, funny, talented, amazing people. I probably only know about 5% of those people. Think of all the opportunities and potential friendships, acquantances, relationships, coming-togethers-of-diverse-viewpoints, discussions, argments, and memorable people I am missing out on. And tonight I realized that I am not going to get to meet most of those people, and that's really a shame, because college is a truly unique place and time in our lives. So yes, I do love all of those things I started off listing. But, I kind of hoped that this year I'd have the time/courage to expand on that.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Life threw a lot of curveballs at me last night and today, which meant crisis management, frustration, and a little bit of angry katies =( But then I came home and started looking up X-Factor clips and life is all good again =)

Anyways for those of you who care about my academic life, a couple of notes:
Arch 170A: Arch Hist. from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
I have no friends in that class and I'm always late but Shanken did manage to make cave paintings INTERESTING so there is some hope...

AAS 122: Japanese American History
Everyone keeps telling me I don't need to take this class but there are a lot of reasons why I'm taking it, some of which lie in principles rather than practicalities or even interest. Anyways there are lots of films and I'm looking forward to continuing my self-education, which I started some time around the 4th grade.

Cy Plan c114: Intro. to Urban and Regional Transportation

I was going to drop this class until I went today and the lecture convinced me to stay. I realized that this, along with a myriad of other city planning issues, are what REALLY interest me and what I REALLY understand. To me, it's all pretty much common sense and looking at all the sides of an issue (which is great since I'm such an "amiable" type anyways!). There is an annoying knowitall in this class (seriously why are there so many in the class of 09???) but other than that this should be a goodie. One of the GSIs may be my new lets-kick-it-and-talk-about-life amigo since Alex appears to be gone this year. Something that I need to be reminded of more often: Planners don't get to make the decisions. Odd concept, but a fundamental one...

Anthro 137: Energy, Culture, & Society
I am hoping I can get this to count for my minor. I don't know much about energy policy but it has political and lifestyle implications not just for the US but the entire world. THe professor is a little kray kray (she likes to call things "cuckoo" a lot) but some of her stories are great (like the one about the 50MPG engines from the early 80s..."the other car is in hiding, for future historians to find!") and somewhere in there I know she's got a lot to share that will be useful. Plus, there's no discussion section or midterm as of now, and a good friend of mine is in it, and it is in the new Stanley Hall building. I'm not going to lie....good facilities helped sell this course. Let this be a lesson to you, stupid people who built Dwinelle!

Cy Plan c115: Global Poverty: Hopes and Challenges in the New Millenium
Professor Ananya Roy won the GOlden Apple Teaching Award at Cal last year, and there is a reason for it. She is also a DCRP professor, so I just had to try out at least one of her classes while I'm here. I didn't think global poverty would interest me much or have a lot to do with studying city planning, but I love this course so far. First, Ananya gives amazing lectures that are fast-paced and interesting and delivered in a great accent =) She doesn't waste words either...which means that you want to write down EVERY word she says and my hands get tired. Maybe I should get a recorder. I'd listen to her lectures again, they are that good! Then, there are the people in the course: like half of senate, architecture friends, city planning friends, and old roomies. The lecture hall is ALWAYS full which is weird because I have 170 in there right before and it is never even half full. Third, the content is fascinating (the reading has been really easy to read), albeit a little shocking at times. Fourth, my GSI seems to be almost as cool as Ananya. His ice-breaker question: "name two cities that you are obssessed with." I had such a hard time narrowing it down to TWO. I find something I am fascinated with in every city I go to and the more I study architecture the more I want to visit different cities. My list of places to see is huge, to the point where I've separated it into "places I'd love to see" and "places I am actually going to try to see". So yeah that just made me super excited about life and my GSI seems really chill (yet demanding). Though I doubt I'll be devoting my career to helping end global poverty, or even going to Bono concert (Ananya loves GSI quoted her quoting Bono and said that he was quoting "a rockstar who is quoting another rock star."), this is still one of those courses that embodies what college is all about.

Cy Plan 113B: Community & Economic Development
The longer I sit in this class, the less appealing it becomes. The problem with going to a school that is a hotbed of liberalism is that the opportunity to see the conservative point of view is often times nonexistent and this is no exception. I'm not necessarily conservative but I like to see both sides and I like to see things get challenged. Today was pretty much an Obama love fest though and neither candidate has sold me yet so it was pretty frustrating. The prof is pretty deaf and one of those old white liberal democrats that you are more likely to find in the humaninties. He is all about teaching practicalities rather than theory. Which I used to like, but I also think that if you sign up to go to Cal you know what you are getting into. Want practical? Go to the vocational schools.

The prof set a grim picture of the current US economy today and I totally agreed with him two months ago. Living in America has been easier than it is today. Our poverty line is at $20,000 for a family of four, and a minimum wage job does not earn that much annually. The healthcare system IS in need of a change. But if you're not thrown too much bad luck, the possibility to improve economically exists in this country. I'm not saying you aren't going to work a bajillion hours and that you won't have to make some hard decisions...but it exists. In most of Africa and Asia, it doesn't matter how much you work, because your country is probably stuck in a poverty trap...I mean, one sixth of the world population lives in extreme poverty. So I have a hard time swallowing all this pro-americanism that gets thrown around in class. Not because I don't love America - at my core I truly do love this country, this culture, and all the peoplle that make it what it is. But I am critical of it in a domestic as well as a global context, because I've lived in Europe (and yeah I'm also taking that poverty course).

And as a result of my experiences I am in the process of re-evaluating what it means to be American. Some times it is tough to llive in a country that locked up your grandfather (a born citizen of this nation) and 100,000 other people on the basis of their ancestry and denied them of their rights, and blindly proclaim to love it. Some times it bothers me to know that if my parents were a generation before theirs, it would have been illegal for them to marry. It would have been illegal for me to exist. And I guess I am a little confused, because I want Americans to have jobs, I really do (hell I want to have a job), but enticing corporations to bring their factories back from relatively undeveloped places also means that you are probably writing a death sentence for those people in that far-off place. It's crazy to know that people make decisions every day that will decide who dies where, and when. I look at what the INS does and wonder how much good they are doing when they try to deport non-criminals who have children that were born here and have been contributing to society in a positive manner. I wonder about myself and my opinions and the policies of others a lot. I'm afraid that at the moment I don't know what it means to be American any more than I know what it means to be Japanese American (which was the number one question I got asked this summer).

Shoot, I was going to drop CP 113B because I can't stand the professor. THere was a cute guy I made friends with that would have been nice to know. ANd I enjoyed watching Roger and Me. But my prof has unknowingly given me a lot to think about. It makes me really critical and bitter though, because I don't know what to do with all my contradictions and angry-ness yet. Oh, did I mention we have to do 16 hours of community service isntead of a midterm??

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend, Indeed

I woke up today feeling physically drained. It's a bad way to start off a day, let alone a Saturday. By 3pm it was apparent that I wasn't just physically drained, but also spiritually. Mayhaps I should go to church tomorrow, but that will probably just be one more unfulfilled self-promise.

So yes, drained. Empty. It's been a while since I felt this way: lacking the self-motivation to do the things I need to do, and the...concern? to care that I'm getting behind on things. Nobody else seems to care so much, and really...nobody NEEDS me to do anything. I guess what I really feel is defeated by all the external factors swimming around me. In Italy, all the external shit in the world could (and did) happen, but it didn't matter. I was accountable to nobody but myself and I had a life at home I knew I was coming back to. Now, I can't just shut things out. I've taken on this mantle that requires more of me. And while on one hand I want it, part of me doesn't know how to do it.

So I am going to take some time this weekend to really think about what I'm "laboring" over. What do I want the fruits of my labor to be? And why am I doing what I'm doing? Because I can't burn up this quickly. Resentment, disappointment, frustration - they're all futile, and once they're gone I'll be empty again. I want to build something wonderful, filled with love and commitment and cool-assed people.

All this first-week school/nsu/work/life confusion is one big whirpool that I hope settles down soon.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adele - Chasing Pavement

My friend introduced this video to me today (he always introduces me to great videos...I love graphic designers!) and I think I love it. Adele can sing and she is a Brit which makes me like her that much more. The song lyrics resonate with me to no end. And the concept of the video = <3!!!! Although, it is kind of sad to see that they don't showcase Adele in the video. At least they came up with an amazing concept to substitute...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Worlds Collide

Today we had a Padova reunion in Berkeley. It was great seeing everyone, catching up on our summers, and just chilling with the gang. We perfected the art of living life to the fullest (and unproductive) extent, to the point where it doesn't matter where in the world we are or what's going on...we will have an enjoyable time. Today was no different, and I found myself letting all my appointments just melt away....they could wait till another day.

Then, I saw some of my good Berkeley friends on the street. I waved, came out and said hello...and they were like "who are THEY?" And my other life came crashing in. I admit, we make a pretty random and unexpected family, us padovani, but I feel like those kids may know me better than anyone now. They are the only other people in the world that shared my experience in Italy with me. And while they don't know the side of me that is/was involved in the JA community, who carried her day planner everywhere with her, who cared about local politics, they do know the person who learned how to live. And, more importantly, they support and respect what I've chosen to do with my life in their own ways.

So when my Cal friends came along and reminded me of all the "productive" things I *should* be doing, didn't immediatly try to come in and introduce themselves to my Italy friends, and ran off for boba...the sharp contrast between my seemingly separate lives became SO clear to me. I've been so angry lately, and I couldn't figure out why. Well, I think I've figured out part of it: I've grown up and others haven't. And beyond that, I've grown up and been punished because others haven't. I already have a crazy strong personal value that everyone should pull their own weight, period, which doesn't help. But to have things not work out they way I wanted (the way I deserved) because SOMEONE ELSE wasn't mature enough...well, that's a hard truth to swallow. And I can't just make people get their priorities straight and grow up, but I don't know what I can I get ANGRY.

And now it's becoming clear that I don't know everything either. I need to learn how to not just be a leader, but to inspire others to want to lead, to want to be responsible, to want to grow. Because that's the only thing I can think of to help them grow up.

[I throw around "grow up" a lot and I don't mean I'm all grown up. I'm scared shitless of the world that awaits when I graduate. But knowing that is there, and knowing how priviledged I am until then, makes me that much more aware of how less mature all of the youngsters I know really are.]

Mad Props

To all of my predecessors in NSU. I don't know how they got all of us together and on top of our stuff, but I can honestly say that I completely trust and can count on every one of the seniors that are/were on core this year. It's a VERY daunting and sometimes frustrating task to try and get people on the same page, plugged into the community, and responsible. Some of it has to do with maturity, I'm sure, but the other common denomonator we have is our past training/leadership background.

Now that I'm facing a crew of bright YOUNG faces, I'm that much more appreciative of what's been laid before me. I'd say I don't think I am ready to lead these people, but with the help of my other OG-influenced amigos, I know things will somehow turn out all right. As with all groups, this year looks different than two years ago so it is a good thing that I am different than past presidents...but I still give mad props to them. And to my fellow 09-ers, who are the only reason I haven't gone completeley insane and self-destructed before the year has even begun!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another Year

I've had this blog for about a year now!

School starts on Wednesday and the campus community is already off to a running start, which will turn into a sprint soonly....

Walking through campus today, I was struck by how carefree and, at the same time, VIBRANT all the students are. Everyone's all excited about the parties, the friends, the cool shit, whatever. Bright colors and happy faces everywhere. Whereas I am a "veteran", I'm taking care of business shit on campus, not there to socialize, there's just too much to get done. And I'm not really into the parties either - again, too many other things I could be doing. Or too many people are new and I don't have the energy/want to make nice with them.

Transitioning into school will be my final transition back into American life, hopefully it's not too hard. Coming back from Italy was not easy, and in many ways I grew a lot more in these past two months than you would think. I know now that one of my core values is my community. I feel the greatest sense of happiness not just when I am serving my community, but when the whole community gets together and works toward a common cause. But not everyone in my life views this value in the same way, and it's been a learning experience to see that some folks may care about the community...but aren't as commited to real action as I think they should be.

Another thing I was surprised to learn is that I like, maybe even want, to share and be dependent on others. It is a huge comfort and relief to lean a little on others after being unable to do that while I lived in Europe. Living abroad gave me a real sense of exactly who I am and what I am capable of, and now that I have that I have the capacity to share my life with other people. It kind of goes along the same lines of "nobody will love you if you can't love yourself". I know myself and am thus secure (stable?) enough to be able to share myself with another human being. That ability - and the fact that I have the desire to do that - is something I definitely did not have a year ago. Unfortunately I haven't met anyone who has reached that point in their life, so for now I'm giving myself over to NSU work and school.

Looking to this school year....I want to graduate with a 3.6. I want to feel like I got a good city planning education. I want to bring CS to Japantown and help put on another great CS on campus. I want to spend time with my amici and I hopefully not feel oceans apart from all the young'ns. I want to work, because I don't want my parents to have to shoulder any more burden than they already are. I want to make a million more great memories, but not at the expense of my academics...because unfortunately, grades are going to follow me around until I get into grad school. I want so many things, some of which are in conflict with each other, and I'm struggling with how all those things can be acheived. So for now I gotta take it one day at a time, because eventually I will find a way. This is going to be a year to rememeber.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My head hurts like no other and I blame you. and you and you...

Today I bought a new pair of payless. They don't look too payless-y and they are too tall to wear around all the time so it is ok, cuz I wasn't gonna spend $100 on shoes I wear twice. I also bought new underwear/bras and sunglasses and accessories at H&M. Getting off the bus at Union Square is a bad idea, especially when you are wallowing in self-loathing, and ESPECIALLY when there is some event at the end of the week that you need to dress up for.

I don't know if I've got what it takes to run NSU this year. The doctor always tells me my headaches are stress-induced and I got them all the time last fall. It's times like these when I miss Italy - I rarely had headaches there. But at the moment I'm dealing with a lot of personal stuff and grappling with a crippling self-loathing problem. I basically feel like I'm a little bit worthless - not worth anyone's time (in a personal sense).And I can forsee a lot of un-voiced frustration with people coming on this year. So that's probably got something to do with it. I just hope these things don't become chronic...

I'm also really starting to get sad taht my internship is ending. Street Fair went so well and it was a great capstone to my experience. I am also going to mimss having Andersen's bakery and Benkyo-Do just down the street. I discovered strawberry mochi is delicious. And all the Japanese food. And HONU's, my favorite hawaiian joint....I was even getting used to my commute, too! Now when am I going to read, listen to music, and just clear my mind??? Don't even get me started on the PEOPLE either...I love all the interns. Reading the e-mails that get sent out to each other seriously makes my day ten times better and brighter. Sighhhh. Thurs/Fri will be a BLAST though =)


With each day that passes, I find that there is more that I miss: home, Italy, EAP friends, traveling, summer time, feeling the way I did, the old man who always had a rubber band in his pocket at Kiku Hana to fix our chopsticks up for us (random, i know). I'm reminded of the architect who gave a speech about his work last yar that did one of those giant heart pieces for charity (the public art installments) in San Francisco. He had basically punched as many giant holes as was possible into this heart without it actually physically falling apart.

But there is always more to look forward to, to appreciate, to enjoy: drinks with old friends, the prospect of new ones, NSU, culture show, school, ambitions, the next exquisite meal, festivals, beginnings, and they day when my body finally stops aching. It fills up the holes left behind by all the things that are missing, and I'm filled with the impulse to shove as many things into it to fill the space as possible. (actually...I collective memory and my heart just expand, kind of like the internet, in a limitless fashion...but right now it doesn't feel that way).

I am trying, however, to simply live in the moment again. It's getting to be difficult with school starting though. How does one go about their day without spending too much time thinking (sometimes bitterly and sometimes nostalgically) about what's in the past or, on the other end, scheming and planning too much for the future? Maybe my past has me running too scared of the future, on counting on or planning for too much, but I can't help feeling like I waste too much time planning my tomorrows. Mayhaps if I was focused on my todays...I wouldnt' be up at 1:30am when I have to be on BART at 8:10.

Friday, August 8, 2008

What DID I learn?

Traveling through Europe, I thought I learned a lot of things. One lesson: don't be so cautious. I generally tend to over-plan my travel (and other) plans. Assess the risks. Etc etc. Sometimes my analysis leaves me paralyzed because I have to make a decision before I've weighed both sides. Action, in this situation, rarely happens if it is risky.

But living in a different culture, traveling by myself in various countries that don't speak very much english...I learned that wherever I go, things will be ok. Maybe life can be lived outside of the nebulous box I've created for myself.

Now I'm back in my college world and I am quickly remembering why my boundaries exist. Giving into my own blind desires...going for WHAT I WANT and not thinking about the finding me very lonely and not so happy. And I think it's terribly unfair.

So really I gotta ask myself sometimes...did I learn anything from my experience abroad? Have I truly grown as a person? On the whole, I think yes. But some days I really do wonder.


I don't remember writing all of this.

Once upon a time
A girl became a woman,
Drifting through time, culture and space
Finding who she was by experiencing what she was not.
Then she returned to her home land
Everything has changed
Many have left
And a glittering new firefly appeared.
Don't chase it though
It can't appreciate you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Keep Your Word

If you say you are going to call me back later....please do it. It's just plain rude not to.

That's all.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August = bad weather in California

I had a great time at home but the last couple of days have been pretty blah around here. Last night it even rained. I suppose reading a book about a man in the camps who is separated from his family doesn't help with the intense feeling of alone-ness I've been feeling of late.

I met someone and I sort of think he is amazing but lately I feel like he's been avoiding me. I think I said some things that made him back up, which hurts because I trusted him enough to tell him in the first place. This makes for sad Katies. I don't have too much time to worry about all that though because life doesn't stop to throw me pity parties. Work is crazy - we have Street Fair on Sat and Sun and next week is the NCI closing luncheon. Intern day is a crazy-long 9-to-6 tomorrow as well. Friends are starting to trickle back into town for the fall as well and I am so happy about that.

Anyway, I was talking with a friend I went to Italy with and she's going to Japan next week. I've been wanting to go to Japan for the past few months and I have decided I am going to try and make that trip possible. I want to go right after graduation - before I have to start paying back loans. I think May is a little late for the cherry blossoms, but I am hoping it is still nice then. I don't know where to go in Japan so I guess I should invest in a book to figure it all out.

Now that I've been all over Europe, I am not as apprehensive about going to a country where I don't speak the language or know the customs. I don't know if I want to go see family there or not. I know my baachan's entire family is still in Japan but other than that I don't know much about my relatives there. I should ask my dad about it. Perhaps if some of the younger ones speak english we can start exchanging emails or something. I sort of wish I had the opportunity to do an exchange program in high school. Now, it looks like I will be relying on friends and self-education to navigate the "fatherland". Anyone want to join me on this trip?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's Sunday Night

And I'm blasting all the music I can sing/yell along to!

I don't wanna go to work...because...not because I don't like it. It's not bad work. I just want some more time to not be a "productive" member of American society.

I want one more day to spend at home with my family.
I want one less day of BART/MUNI/AC Transit rides.
I want one more day of fun times with roommates and other close friends.
I want one less day of not having the energy to cook (this really depresses me sometimes).
I want one more day of reading the books I just bought.
I want one less day of fog.
I think, in short, I want one more day of living in my home/college/kid dream bubble.

It was a great weekend though...obon was so much fun and I can't wait to get a hold of some of those odori songs...hahahaha.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Maine

Rachel thought I'd like this band called The Maine and while they wear ugly clothes they're not horrible. This is from the song "If I Only Had The Heart":

I know I sound repetitive,
Cause I'm repeating myself,
And I'm competitive,
I want you all by yourself.
And that alone is just the problem,
I've got these woes,
And I just can't solve them.
If I could gather up the nerve,
I'd put my feelings into words,
And if I weren't so young, or stupid, or restless,
I might be able to just soon forget this.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Let's set some GOALS

I've been panicking this past week because I don't know if I like the direction my life is going in: I have two semesters of school left, one presidency, one relationship, and one degree to earn. So what do I want to throw my efforts into? I don't know 100% yet but I figure concrete goals are always a good place to start. Create and adjust, right? So here goes:

1. Graduate with a 3.6 GPA.
I haven't figured it out exactly but I think I have a 3.5 after my EAP grades come in, and I read that the average MCP student at Cal had a 3.6 as an undergrad. UCLA doesn't list their average, but Cal's ranked higher so I might as well aim high. I think that, if I plan my classes right and REALLY buckle down..I can do this. Sub-goal: qualify myself for MCP/MUP school, even if I don't plan on applying for like five years.
2. Make $450/month
Sadly, this used to be my rent. It's gone up a lot though. If I work 10 hours a week at $12/hour, I can do this...even if I only make $300/month, it is more than I have been making during school. And, I would like for this employment to be at a CBO in Japantown, or related to City Planning. Hmmm.
3. Finish moving in
It's been driving me crazy to be so disorganized! To retrieve from home: printer, dresser, tape measure, bolts for the couch.
4. Do laundry better.
As in, do it more often. I don't do it because the machines are shitty and expensive in my building, and I haven't got a drying rack. So: buy a drying rack. Maybe invest in a new iron.
5. Wear less make-up.
I don't mind having to wear it in the morning but I do mind the fact that I now think my bare face looks sad and tired all the time. A lifestyle change, rather than covering my face up, is what I am going for. Especially my eyes. All this stress...
6. Visit my great grandfather before thanksgiving.
He is sick.
7. Invest time in culture show.
Pretty self-explanitory.
8. Find Italian-speaking friends/opportunities.
I miss it like CRAZY. Unlike my chinese-, japanese-, and spanish-speaking Italian-speaking sub-culture doesn't really exist in this part of America.
9. Work on my relationships: communication.
It's something I am never good at but the benefits are worth the effort.

None of these are really in any order. I am actually surprised. The first goal is the only one that immediately stood out to me (hence it being first). I haven't been this serious about academics in a very long time. I started Cal with the goal of graduating with a 3.0!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Busy is the word

It's the word that can encompass my whole summer.

I'm not really thrilled about it. I know, I know...I busied myself up before even coming home because I didn't want to be too Italy-sick. And I didn't want to be too bored. And I wanted to be productive. And I wanted to get back into my community. I KNOW. And most of that still holds true.

But I also wanted spontaneous life time. And I want to reconnect w/people who, even though we are (mostly) in the same state, still feel a million miles away. And no matter how busy I am I still catch myself missing Italy, missing my family, and missing life as it once was. I still find myself bored by youtube and boundless internet, too.

So yeah, I am busy and it's my fault so I shouldn't be complaining about it at all. But here I am...trying, like always, to have it all. When will I ever learn???

On top of having a TON of work stuff to do this week (last week was, comparatively, slow) I've got:
Youth Advisory Committee for NFLP (project funded by CCLPEP grant)
NSU (some people are really hard to track down)
Family things
Obons & festivals almost every weekend
All the weekend stuff associated with work
Trying to set up an NSU meetup in LA
Trying to set up an NCI chillout in East Bay
Laundry (it takes so much longer to do here, for some reason)
Grocery shopping (with what money????)
No appetite
No money

Well. Let's see if I can organize my life. I need to quit things. I need to not sign up for 22 units. I need to prioritize, because my priorities have definitely changed (hopefully for the better). I need to balance needs and wants, and I want to do that all while still feeling like life is amazing. Man, i really admire all those OGs that managed to do as much as they could. How does one be a good sister, daughter, granddaughter, friend, gf, employee, worker, roomie, leader, activist, representative, "role model", and citizen? And what does good mean????